Reading #
- Quillian, M. “Semantic Memory.” Semantic Information Processing. Edited by M. Minsky. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1968, pp. 216-270.
- Harnad, S. “The Symbol Grounding Problem.” Physica D 42 (1990): 335-346.
- Miller, G. “Nouns in WordNet.” _WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database._Edited by C. Fellbaum. MIT Press, 1998.
- Minsky, M. “A framework for representing knowledge.” Mind Design. Edited by J. Haugeland. MIT Press, 1975/1981.
- Pustejovsky, J. “Type construction and the logic of concepts.” The language of word meaning. Edited by P. Bouillon, and F. Busa. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- Cantwell, Smith Brian. On the Origin of Objects. MIT Press. Excerpts.
- Brooks, R. A. “Intelligence Without Representation.” Artificial Intelligence Journal 47 (1991): 139–159.
- Gardenfors, P. Conceptual Spaces. MIT Press, 2000. Excerpts.
Regier, T. The Human Semantic Potential: Spatial Language and Constrained Connectionism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780262527309.
- Roy, D. “Learning Visually Grounded Words and Syntax of Natural Spoken Language.” Evolution of Communication. 4(1) (2001/2002).
- Goldstone, R. L., and Rogosky, B. J. “Using relations within conceptual systems to translate across conceptual systems.” Cognition 83(3) (2002): 295-320.
- Hayes, P. “The Second Naive Physics Manifesto_._” Formal Theories of the Common Sense World (Vol. 1). Edited by J. R. Hobbs, and R. C. Moore. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex Publishing Company, 1985.
- Gopnik, A. “The Scientist as Child.” Philosophy of Science 63(4) (1996): 485-514.
- Jackendoff, R. (2002). “Semantics as a Mentalistic Enterprise,” (Chap. 8) “Reference and Truth,” (Chap. 9), and “Lexical Semantics.” (Chap. 11) in Foundations of Language.
- Putnam, H. “The meaning of ‘meaning.’” Mind, language, and reality: Philosophical papers, vol. 2. Edited by H. Putnam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.