
Project Milestones

The project teams progressed through a sequence of seven milestones during the term. Presentation slides summarizing the milestone requirements are provided below for the first three milestones.

  1. Elevator Pitch and Related Work (PDF)
  2. Needs Assessments Initial Results (PDF)
  3. System Design, and Initial Implementation Results (PDF)
  4. Sustainability / Financial Factors
  5. Feature Complete, General Progress Report
  6. Working Demo
  7. Final Presentation Event

Project Team Pages

From a longer list of potential projects, student teams worked on the following seven projects.  Each of the following links goes to a page presenting videos and slides of final results, as well as interim milestones and some supplemental project materials.

Giving Farmers a Fighting Chance (with ITESM Zacatecas, Mexico)
Get New Money: Multilevel marketing for microfinance (with Cobiscorp Bank, Ecuador)
M-commerce (with United Villages, India)
MoCa: Mobile diagnostics for cervical cancer (with CIDRZ, Zambia)
Fellows Forum: Mobile social network for students in low-income communities (with Telmex, Mexico)
NextMap: Disaster Management (with CRS, India and InnovGreen, Vietnam)
Thrive in 5 Baby Blog (with Mayor’s Office, Boston)

Mobile Diagnostics  
Project News Archive

Mobile diagnostics in the developing world  
September 20th, 2008  
Re-posted from Ted Chan’s blog

What do you get when you squish a project with General Electric to transmit ultrasound images in Belize and a project with Center for Infectious Disease in Zambia (CIDRZ) to diagnose cervical cancer in rural areas? I’m finding out over the next three months by using my technical project management skills on an important project to figure out how to transmit images over low bandwidth mobile networks.

The goal is to build a scalable technology to transmit, annotate and manage these records. The key bottleneck in health care in the developing world is human resources. You need an approach for telehealth where image capture can be done by a layman in a rural area. The image can be transmitted and then worked on in a different location (anywhere in the world) where medical expertise is more readily available.

This is necessary for successful preventive screening models in rural areas where clinics might be far from the patients who cannot spend much time away from home. In cervical cancer, one of the biggest problem is loss of patient to follow-up. Near real-time diagnosis using a vinegar swab prevents that as the patient never leaves the clinic while waiting for their diagnosis.

Figuring out some of the key requirements will definitely be a challenge. We’ve heard 100KB or 3MB. That’s a big difference in terms of what type of technology, transmission times, compression, etc. that you would use. We discussed how the key bottleneck in health care in the developing world is human resources. You need an approach for telehealth where image capture can be done by a layman in a rural area. In this case being piloted in Belize exams will be carried out by non-expert sonographers who can send by mobile link to radiologist. DICOM communications server will be used with a database for archiving images and a image reviewer. Currently, GE data system aggregates a series of data, but the process is a bit complicated for a rural health worker. We’ll need to look at this process closely in our needs assessment. The idea is to come up with something that can be scaled and re-used across many developing nations.

Currently, GE has a pilot project going on in Belize. 270 scans were taken in Belize by rural health workers and transmitted using a prototype device. They are conducting full statistical study with panel of five radiologists will score images on whether the quality is sufficient to make diagnoses.

GE’s ultrasound system will address several areas, including pregnant mothers, but also functions like sweeping for typical issues of the thyroid, kidney and gall bladder.

I’m looking forward to learning more about the Zambia process as well - this project is underway as a prototype was developed earlier this year, but the architecture we develop will be important in making it a sustainable model. Here’s an overview of the project.

I’m going to be posting out updates throughout the next three months that we’ll be working on this project. Your feedback would be great. This really is the best type of open innovation project. We have leading faculty from MIT, Harvard, one of the top companies in the world in GE and an important non-profit in CIDRZ. The core project team is two bioengineers, an industrial designer from the Media Lab, a programmer and me, the MBA. Let’s see how it goes and if we can help make a big leap scalable across the developing world in improving rural health care.

« back to MoCa

Solution evolves towards medical image workflow management  
September 21st, 2008  
From Ted Chan’s blog

Some updates on the MIT NextLab/global health project that I’m working on. Originally, CIDRZ and GE were supposed to be stakeholders, but due to bandwidth concerns, we’re primarily focused on the CIDRZ project and improving the workflow to diagnose and treat cervical cancer. However, having GE involved made us think about some of the more general issues that are out there, and we’re trying to build a solution that is scalable and solves a few of these.

One is that there doesn’t seem to be a good system out there that can manage image/video based workflow and take multiple inputs. As such, we’re moving towards a system that integrates workflow and the tagging, commenting and return diagnosis features. Think a Flickr like site integrated with records management that can accept incoming images a number of ways including e-mail, via mobile phone, web or USB upload. We’ll try to build it so it can integrate relatively easy with existing medical record systems. Comparing it to Flickr is a bit of an oversimplification, since the application should allow for a lot of features, such as creating a queue for radiology experts in different locations to review, return a diagnosis, store medical records for future reference, etc.

We’re also exploring the possibly of using Eye-Fi or other technologies to accelerate the transfer speed and more importantly, streamline the steps necessary to transfer the data. One of the problems with existing smartphones is that they ask permission to run applications and send data. So applications that sling data back in forth in an automated manner help the process flow a lot.

We’re realizing that this has the potential to scale out not just the CIDRZ model, but be re-usable for other rural health models. It’s interesting to think about this in terms of being able to help millions of people. The Emerson communications team that is working with us to document the project will be posting some videos soon for anyone who is interested in learning more about the project. Any ideas or possibilities for collaboration are welcome!

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NextLab team collaborates with OpenMRS to scale solution  
October 1, 2008  
From Ted Chan’s blog

I learned in my stint as an enterprise IT strategy consultant that IT is like the holy grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Just as good technologies gives life, bad technology takes it away. Never has that statement been so literal as it is in developing world health care.

As I mentioned in previous post, our project with CIDRZ to improve cervical cancer diagnosis in Zambia has evolved towards the workflow management back end to allow physicians to remotely review, diagnose and provide feedback on images. An exciting development is that we’ll be working to make this fit in with the OpenMRS system. OpenMRS is an open-source medical records system that is gaining traction in the developing world. If the goal is scalability, and having an impact beyond Zambia into the entire realm of developing world medical imaging, compatibility with OpenMRS is an extremely important step.  This will allow for what we develop to be leveraged and re-used and evolved.

At the Open Innovation Workshop that I attended in May, many of the younger PhD and me were wondering about models where collaboration and innovation enable by new ICTs could save this world. OpenMRS is an example, albeit one fraught with potential pitfalls. Medical records are an issue and a major cost for health care providers everywhere in the world. By providing a scalable, open source system and getting talented developers to work on add-in modules, OpenMRS offers a solution for providers looking to keep information technology costs low. This enables the providers to spend the money on what really matters – treating patients.

I’m curious to learn more about OpenMRS – it looks scalable and robust from its data design. It’s been deployed in a number of developing world locations. If it works, it will allow providers to divert money towards where it really matters.

There’s another team working on a front-end Android interface for medical records imaging led by Zach Anderson, a MIT Course 6 programmer that we are collaborating with as well. It sounds like they too will be compatible with OpenMRS. More on that collaboration in another post as I learn more about what specifically they are doing.

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Debating GPL versus BSD software license  
October 27, 2008  
From Ted Chan’s blog

Trying to figure out whether to use the GPL or BSD license. Numerodix had a good simplified explanation on it:

  • In the GPL license you have the four freedoms: to run the software, to have the source code, to distribute the software, to distribute your modifications to the software. What this implies is that when you obtain the software, you have the *obligation* to ensure that these four things hold true for the next person you give it to. After all, someone had to go to the trouble of preserving these rights for *you*, so you have to do the same for the next guy.
  • The BSD license is different, because it gives *you* the right to distribute the software, but it does not oblige you to make sure that the next guy has any such right. Well, that’s not really a problem, the next guy can ignore you and get the software from the same source that you did (if that source is still available). But if you change it and you give it to him, you can forbid him from passing it on.

FossWire also has a good comparison here.

What are we going to do with our open source mobile diagnostics workflow solution? As an open source software project, we’d like to license it out for non-profit use and use in the developing world for free. But we also think it’s possible our software might be modified for for-profit use in the developed world. In this case, we would want a reciprocal contribution - a donation, either in funding or code. I’m thinking that means GPL. GPL means that if another organizations uses or modifies any code your organization produces that code must also be licensed under the same terms.

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Update on application progress  
November 10, 2008

Application Development  
This is what the system can currently do:

  1. Load a doctor-defined form and run it. We call these forms “procedures.” Procedures can prompt using various entry techniques (check boxes, radio buttons, text entry, etc.) and they can acquire various types of data (currently pictures and sound)
  2. If pictures are acquired, multiple pictures can be taken and reviewed. In the review dialog, health workers can zoom in and pan across the photo. They can then select which photo(s) they want to send back.
  3. The procedures fully support branching. This means that questions can be set up to be displayed depending on the answers to previous questions. For example, if a question asks “where is the pain?” and the person answers “chest” then a series of specific chest pain questions can follow.
  4. The health worker can see the current progress of the procedure at all times via a progress bar in the title.
  5. The acquired data is sent back in a packetized format. We are still working on packetization and off-line synchronization, but we are currently able to do some rudimentary upload packetization.
  6. The filled-out form along with pictures, sounds, etc. is sent to the MoCa Dispatch Server, a program that communicates with the mobile phone app, does the data packetization/integrity checking, and sends the data to OpenMRS. The MoCa Dispatch Server currently uses an OpenMRS “plugin” we wrote. This means that we can write other plugins for the dispatch server so that, in the future, we can support other records systems if we please.
  7. OpenMRS receives the picture and question/answer pairs. This information is tagged to a patient and can be accessed via the “medical images” tab in OpenMRS.
  8. A queue running on OpenMRS lines up all pending diagnoses awaiting physician review. Clicking on one of the records brings up the question/answers and the image. The image is pan/zoom-able.
  9. The physician can annotate the image with his/her diagnosis. Upon making this annotation, it will be immediately sent to the phone that acquired the data. The physician can see the phone number of the phone that sent the data, so he/she can call the health worker too.
  10. As soon as this annotation is made and sent to the phone (via SMS because it is cheaper and more reliable than GPRS) the phone gets a pop-up saying that a diagnosis has been received for the particular patient number. The health worker has the option of bringing up a window to see the full annotation sent back from the physician, or he/she can dismiss the pop-up and look at it later.

As you can see, we have a complete end-to-end solution in place. While there is still a good deal of work ahead, we now have something that works. I’ll send out screenshots once I get a chance to grab some.

I registered a SourceForge Open Source project and it was approved today. They will host the code and allow others to contribute to the project. I have also set up a Documentation Wiki; there currently isn’t anything on the Wiki, so in the coming few weeks we will want to start documenting the system.

« back to MoCa

Update on new partners  
December 1st, 2008

Leo Anthony Celi, our MD advisor from Harvard Medical School, recruited new partners in ASEAN Centers for E-Health and Telemedicine as well as the following universities:

  • Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
  • Institut dela Francophonie pour Medicine Tropicale (Laos)
  • University of the Philippines Manila (Philippines)
  • University of Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
  • Ciputra Univerity (Indonesia)
  • Hanoi Medical University (Vietnam)

We’re looking at deploying in the Phillipines in January through March and learning more about how MoCa can meet the needs of patients there.  Things are breaking fast for MoCa - there seems to be a ton of interest in our solution.

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Disaster Management / NextMap
Project News Archive

Prototype Interface
October 17th, 2008

We’re just receiving messages in two formats, “locate” and “message”, and mapping them. Users can currently SMS in “locate 30 Ames St, 02139”, for example, and their number will be assigned to that location. They can then send “message theres a firetruck here” and the words “theres a firetruck here” will appear at 30 Ames st on the map.

Next we’re looking to solve outgoing message problems and to allow users to enter relative movements, i.e. “move 500 meters north”. We’re also thinking of adding placemarks, like “mark as office”, so users can later send “locate office” and will be updated to that personal placemark.

Geocoding of the textual address is done via GeoKit (, a Ruby on Rails geocoding plugin. The prototype itself is made in Ruby on Rails and uses the Google Maps API.

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Interface Snapshot
October 21, 2008


Thinking about interfaces for viewing data in an interactive map - beyond Google Maps. This is done in Quartz Composer as a prototype - it draws on live map data from our server prototype.

See video of this interface in action [Flickr, 0:21]

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InnovGreen: Q&A
October 22nd, 2008

Young Yang, our contact from Flow, Inc. in Taiwan, has been a big help in translating our communication with Vietnam from English to Chinese, which is the language of choice for Forestry Department manager, Mr. Chu.

Our last two conversations have uncovered a crucial piece of information: that the forest inspectors will be the ones operating the mobile phones in remote, deforested regions of Vietnam, not the famers. Here are some key Q&A’s:

Background questions

  • Where are the regions in Vietnam this system will be used?

    • Kontum
    • Lang son
    • Nghe An
    • Quang Nam
    • Quang Ninh
  • What is cell phone connectivity like in those areas?

    • Poor in forestation areas
    • Normal cell phone coverage in district down town
    • Acceptable in province central town. In Ha long and Kontum there is GPRS service

User-interface design questions

  • What is the literacy rate of farmers in Vietnam

    • 93% overall country, but in remote where IG plan to have land, the rate is about 8x% only
  • Will the farmers have to upload the data to a computer or will someone else do this for them?

    • InnovGreen forest staff will do tha
  • How often do farmers use the internet, if at all?

    • rarely at commune post office
  • Any other UI requirements please specify here:

    • Vietnamese and Chinese UI as a customisation.

Operational sustainability:

  • From where do you recruit the farmers?

    • from plantation surrounding communes either directly or indirectly through contractors
  • Who is the contact person communicating with the farmers? Where does this person reside?

    • IG forestry staffs, they stay in temporary offices nearby to the plantation area
  • What is the current process for farmers to show that they have fertilized an assigned location?

    • Contractors distribute the fertilizer to farmers-workers at morning and take back the empty package by the end of working day

Project Timeline

10/22: Initial System Design
11/01: Financial & Operational Sustainability Analysis
11/19: Mid-project report
12/03: Working demo
12/10: Final presentation

« back to NextMap Disaster Management

Design Tradeoffs
November 17th, 2008

As our project time enters its last month, we have started taking the abstract ideas from our design sessions and information generated from speaking with our partner organizations to begin an actual implementation that we will be presenting at the end of the semester.

My current work on our software implementation is the development of a client-side J2ME application to be run on cell phones for Catholic Relief Services (CRS).  The primary purpose of the application is to allow CRS field agents to populate a 50-question survey that provides basic information about a disaster when it hits a given region and then send that information instantaneously to a server, which will log it and allow CRS to allocate resources accordingly.

NextLab had previously worked with CRS last semester (when it was called ICT4D), and a group had written a J2ME application already that handled some of our task.  This is where some of the basic design trade offs in our application would come into play.

The application developed last semester does a really nice job of allowing flexibility in the forms that can be used in the application (forms are written in XML, opened by the application, and then answers are parsed into a string that is sent via SMS to a server, which populates a database entry based on the received SMS). 

One problem with this design is that for the survey we are using, which has 50 questions (some of which have many parts and data fields), there is almost no way that all the answers will fit in the space of a 160-character SMS message.  This poses a financial sustainability problem, since we will require many SMS messages to send a single survey’s answers.

A possible solution to this (which I am implementing this week) is using compression at the binary level (i.e. for a yes/no question, I only need 1 bit to represent the answer, for selecting 1 of 8 = 2^3 choices I need 3 bits, etc.).  While this will almost surely allow us to compress the 50 answers into 1 SMS message, significantly saving costs.

However, the tradeoff here is that both client and server side will need to create compression that is specific to the form, which will require significant editing of the source on both the client and server side, which is not optimal from an operational sustainability perspective.

Over this week we will be making a lot of decisions regarding this trade-off, and one of the big questions will be discovering what matters more, costs of SMS or the flexibility to change the form?  If the form has been the same and will be for the next 10 years, then hard-coding compression will make much more sense.  If it changes every month, then we need a more flexible model. 

In the end, I would like to implement some hybrid compression model that perhaps uses some metadata in the XML form that customizes compression.  For the moment though, the priority will be to create a functional system that solves CRS’s problems and is as efficient as possible depending on their priorities.

More info on solving these problems to come soon!

« back to NextMap Disaster Management

Nextlab Disaster Management teams up with OpenROSA
December 25th, 2008

I’m proud to announce that we are days away from the release of a totally revamped version of our J2ME application that is being used for Disaster Management with Catholic Relief Services in India.  We have been working closely with the OpenRosa consortium (specifically on their JavaRosa code base, which is an open source platform for developing data collection applications on J2ME enabled cell phones). 

For any of you who are developing applications for mobile data collection, I highly recommend getting in touch with these folks.  They do a beautiful job of abstracting out the different parts of collecting and transmitting data, and I was very easily able to create customized UI functions, data parsing, and SMS protocols.

On the subject of our earlier post regarding design tradeoffs and data compression for this application, we decided to go with sending multiple SMS messages (with our system we get about 6-8 SMS messages for a fully filled-out form.  We chose to do this because we wanted to allow the user to not be limited with regards to how many digits they could type for answers or how long they could make string values.  Instead, we made an efficient XHTML form and used customized message parsing and SMS splitting in JavaRosa to reliably transmit bigger message payloads to Twitter and then subsequently to a server.

Happy holidays to everyone, and lets keep giving the gift of technology to those who need it most!

For more information on OpenRosa and the JavaRosa code base, please check out:

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This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


Get New Money aims to increase microfinance market penetration in Ecuador and provide a solution that can be easily leveraged in other developing countries. Over the past decade, there has been a 50% growth in the microfinance market in Latin America, yet only 3% of the population is being served. We want to change that.

We are introducing a multi-level-marketing (MLM) scheme linked to a network of mobile phones. Basically, in MLM, a borrower can act as a “micro-agent” and search for other potential clients. Each micro-agent receives commission based on the loans that are materialized through them, as well as for those that happen through any other micro-agent they recruited. As time goes on, we expect the network of micro-agents to expand and reach places that we would have never reached otherwise.

On the phone, we will offer a product that will enable users to do pre-screenings and data processing very easily and fast. It will basically work as a data collector that will talk to a back-end server, where all the computation is made. Our focus is to make this available in low-end phones, with the objective of making it as viral as possible. With that in mind, we will implement it as an SMS service or as a Java Mobile Edition (J2ME) application on the phone.

We are very excited about this project. This idea has been tried before and, in essence, was proven successful. In practice, the idea failed because the microfinance institution that implemented it lacked the infrastructure to handle the exponential growth in applicants. But that is were our project partner, Cobiscorp, makes the difference. They specialize in IT backing for financial services firms and have been in the industry for over 30 years. Together with a new streamlined loan application process, inviting commision scheme, and solid infrastructure, we can certainly revolutionalize the microfinance industry.



Project Team

Students Three anonymous MIT students
Video journalists
(from Emerson College)
Helyne Adamson
Josh Kirchmer
Advisor Elisabeth Megally

Project Documentation

Slides are presented courtesy of the students, used with permission. Videos are from nextlab on Vimeo, and are not covered by our Creative Commons license.


Get New Money final video Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.


Get New Money demo video Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.

Final Class Presentation

Get New Money Final Presentation from nextlab on Vimeo.


Milestone 1: Elevator Pitch PDF
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment PDF
Milestone 3: System Design and Initial Implementation PDF
Milestone 4: Sustainability

Get New Money Milestone 4/Sustainability Plan from nextlab on Vimeo.


« back to project index

This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


Most of the Zacatecas State of Mexico has semi-desert terrain, coupled with low per capita income. Despite its dry climate, agriculture is a key economic driver. Zacatecas produces more beans, chili peppers and nopales than any other state, and is a major producer of agave, grapes, jicima, peaches, and tomatoes.

The farmers lack communication between their rural communities and cannot establish equitable pricing, let alone have access to distribution or storage centers. As a result, they are at the mercy of middlemen who pay next to nothing for produce, and these communities remain locked in a poverty cycle.

The objective is to enable farmers to communicate (and thus present a united front) that will enable them to escape the endless cycle of rural poverty that in turn accelerates the de-population of the countryside (Zacatecas sends more immigrants to the US than any other Mexican state).

The description is to use peer-to-peer mobile technologies (cell phones) - easily adopted, understood, replicated, and maintained - in a rural area, and whose deployment will enable farmers to communicate and collaborate so that they, not the middlemen, can determine fair prices for their crops and ensure a marginally better economic (and socially cohesive) future.


ITESM (Tecnológico de Monterrey), Zacatecas, Mexico

Project Team

Students Scot Frank  
M. Eshan Hoque  
& two anonymous MIT students
Video journalists  
(from Emerson College)
Luke Einsiedler  
Paul Moore
Advisor Esmerelda Megally

Project Documentation

The links in this table go to individual webpages containing videos, along with supporting materials like presentation slides where available. You can navigate through these pages in sequence using the links on the top of each page.

Final Presentation: Giving Farmers a Fighting Chance: Transforming the Rural Economy in Zacatecas, Mexico through Mobile Technology
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment Giving Farmers a Fighting Chance: Transforming the Rural Economy in Zacatecas through Mobile Technology

« back to project index

This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


M-commerce is a self-sustaining mobile commerce system that empowers the poor and illiterate to make informed decisions about purchasing daily necessities. Unlike the legacy system, which is inefficient and error-prone, M-commerce will use a user-friendly and innovative mobile interface.


  • Understand user needs on the ground and analyze them to develop system requirements.
  • Design and Develop a user-friendly mobile user interface that would enable “Bandhus” and villagers to browse and order goods using mobile phones.
  • Do thorough business analysis of the viability of such a system and provide recommendations to prove long term sustainability.


United Villages

Project Team

Students Anastasios Dimas
Michael Gordon
Dev SenGupta
Anonymous MIT student
Video journalists
(from Emerson College)
Sarah Berkovich
Kady Buchanan

Project Documentation

Slides are presented courtesy of the students, used with permission. Videos are from nextlab on Vimeo, and are not covered by our Creative Commons license.


M-Commerce final video Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.


M-Commerce demo Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.

Final Class Presentation

United Villages M-Commerce Final Presentation from nextlab on Vimeo.


Milestone 1: Elevator Pitch PDF
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment PDF
Milestone 3:  System Design and Initial Implementation PDF
Milestone 4: Sustainability

M-Commerce Milestone 4/Sustainability Plan from nextlab on Vimeo.


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Mobile Diagnostics
Project News Archive

Mobile diagnostics in the developing world
September 20th, 2008
Re-posted from Ted Chan?s blog

What do you get when you squish a project with General Electric to transmit ultrasound images in Belize and a project with Center for Infectious Disease in Zambia (CIDRZ) to diagnose cervical cancer in rural areas? I?m finding out over the next three months by using my technical project management skills on an important project to figure out how to transmit images over low bandwidth mobile networks.

The goal is to build a scalable technology to transmit, annotate and manage these records. The key bottleneck in health care in the developing world is human resources. You need an approach for telehealth where image capture can be done by a layman in a rural area. The image can be transmitted and then worked on in a different location (anywhere in the world) where medical expertise is more readily available.

This is necessary for successful preventive screening models in rural areas where clinics might be far from the patients who cannot spend much time away from home. In cervical cancer, one of the biggest problem is loss of patient to follow-up. Near real-time diagnosis using a vinegar swab prevents that as the patient never leaves the clinic while waiting for their diagnosis.

Figuring out some of the key requirements will definitely be a challenge. We?ve heard 100KB or 3MB. That?s a big difference in terms of what type of technology, transmission times, compression, etc. that you would use. We discussed how the key bottleneck in health care in the developing world is human resources. You need an approach for telehealth where image capture can be done by a layman in a rural area. In this case being piloted in Belize exams will be carried out by non-expert sonographers who can send by mobile link to radiologist. DICOM communications server will be used with a database for archiving images and a image reviewer. Currently, GE data system aggregates a series of data, but the process is a bit complicated for a rural health worker. We?ll need to look at this process closely in our needs assessment. The idea is to come up with something that can be scaled and re-used across many developing nations.

Currently, GE has a pilot project going on in Belize. 270 scans were taken in Belize by rural health workers and transmitted using a prototype device. They are conducting full statistical study with panel of five radiologists will score images on whether the quality is sufficient to make diagnoses.

GE?s ultrasound system will address several areas, including pregnant mothers, but also functions like sweeping for typical issues of the thyroid, kidney and gall bladder.

I?m looking forward to learning more about the Zambia process as well - this project is underway as a prototype was developed earlier this year, but the architecture we develop will be important in making it a sustainable model. Here?s an overview of the project.


I?m going to be posting out updates throughout the next three months that we?ll be working on this project. Your feedback would be great. This really is the best type of open innovation project. We have leading faculty from MIT, Harvard, one of the top companies in the world in GE and an important non-profit in CIDRZ. The core project team is two bioengineers, an industrial designer from the Media Lab, a programmer and me, the MBA. Let?s see how it goes and if we can help make a big leap scalable across the developing world in improving rural health care.

« back to MoCa

Solution evolves towards medical image workflow management
September 21st, 2008
From Ted Chan’s blog

Some updates on the MIT NextLab/global health project that I?m working on. Originally, CIDRZ and GE were supposed to be stakeholders, but due to bandwidth concerns, we?re primarily focused on the CIDRZ project and improving the workflow to diagnose and treat cervical cancer. However, having GE involved made us think about some of the more general issues that are out there, and we?re trying to build a solution that is scalable and solves a few of these.

One is that there doesn?t seem to be a good system out there that can manage image/video based workflow and take multiple inputs. As such, we?re moving towards a system that integrates workflow and the tagging, commenting and return diagnosis features. Think a Flickr like site integrated with records management that can accept incoming images a number of ways including e-mail, via mobile phone, web or USB upload. We?ll try to build it so it can integrate relatively easy with existing medical record systems. Comparing it to Flickr is a bit of an oversimplification, since the application should allow for a lot of features, such as creating a queue for radiology experts in different locations to review, return a diagnosis, store medical records for future reference, etc.

We?re also exploring the possibly of using Eye-Fi or other technologies to accelerate the transfer speed and more importantly, streamline the steps necessary to transfer the data. One of the problems with existing smartphones is that they ask permission to run applications and send data. So applications that sling data back in forth in an automated manner help the process flow a lot.

We?re realizing that this has the potential to scale out not just the CIDRZ model, but be re-usable for other rural health models. It?s interesting to think about this in terms of being able to help millions of people. The Emerson communications team that is working with us to document the project will be posting some videos soon for anyone who is interested in learning more about the project. Any ideas or possibilities for collaboration are welcome!

« back to MoCa

NextLab team collaborates with OpenMRS to scale solution
October 1, 2008
From Ted Chan’s blog

I learned in my stint as an enterprise IT strategy consultant that IT is like the holy grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Just as good technologies gives life, bad technology takes it away. Never has that statement been so literal as it is in developing world health care.

As I mentioned in previous post, our project with CIDRZ to improve cervical cancer diagnosis in Zambia has evolved towards the workflow management back end to allow physicians to remotely review, diagnose and provide feedback on images. An exciting development is that we?ll be working to make this fit in with the OpenMRS system. OpenMRS is an open-source medical records system that is gaining traction in the developing world. If the goal is scalability, and having an impact beyond Zambia into the entire realm of developing world medical imaging, compatibility with OpenMRS is an extremely important step.  This will allow for what we develop to be leveraged and re-used and evolved.

At the Open Innovation Workshop that I attended in May, many of the younger PhD and me were wondering about models where collaboration and innovation enable by new ICTs could save this world. OpenMRS is an example, albeit one fraught with potential pitfalls. Medical records are an issue and a major cost for health care providers everywhere in the world. By providing a scalable, open source system and getting talented developers to work on add-in modules, OpenMRS offers a solution for providers looking to keep information technology costs low. This enables the providers to spend the money on what really matters ? treating patients.

I?m curious to learn more about OpenMRS ? it looks scalable and robust from its data design. It?s been deployed in a number of developing world locations. If it works, it will allow providers to divert money towards where it really matters.

There?s another team working on a front-end Android interface for medical records imaging led by Zach Anderson, a MIT Course 6 programmer that we are collaborating with as well. It sounds like they too will be compatible with OpenMRS. More on that collaboration in another post as I learn more about what specifically they are doing.

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Debating GPL versus BSD software license
October 27, 2008
From Ted Chan’s blog

Trying to figure out whether to use the GPL or BSD license. Numerodix had a good simplified explanation on it:

  • In the GPL license you have the four freedoms: to run the software, to have the source code, to distribute the software, to distribute your modifications to the software. What this implies is that when you obtain the software, you have the *obligation* to ensure that these four things hold true for the next person you give it to. After all, someone had to go to the trouble of preserving these rights for *you*, so you have to do the same for the next guy.
  • The BSD license is different, because it gives *you* the right to distribute the software, but it does not oblige you to make sure that the next guy has any such right. Well, that?s not really a problem, the next guy can ignore you and get the software from the same source that you did (if that source is still available). But if you change it and you give it to him, you can forbid him from passing it on.

See the Numerodix blog post for a more detailed explanation.

FossWire also has a good comparison here.

What are we going to do with our open source mobile diagnostics workflow solution? As an open source software project, we?d like to license it out for non-profit use and use in the developing world for free. But we also think it?s possible our software might be modified for for-profit use in the developed world. In this case, we would want a reciprocal contribution - a donation, either in funding or code. I?m thinking that means GPL. GPL means that if another organizations uses or modifies any code your organization produces that code must also be licensed under the same terms.

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Update on application progress
November 10, 2008

Application Development
This is what the system can currently do:

  1. Load a doctor-defined form and run it. We call these forms ?procedures.? Procedures can prompt using various entry techniques (check boxes, radio buttons, text entry, etc.) and they can acquire various types of data (currently pictures and sound)
  2. If pictures are acquired, multiple pictures can be taken and reviewed. In the review dialog, health workers can zoom in and pan across the photo. They can then select which photo(s) they want to send back.
  3. The procedures fully support branching. This means that questions can be set up to be displayed depending on the answers to previous questions. For example, if a question asks ?where is the pain?? and the person answers ?chest? then a series of specific chest pain questions can follow.
  4. The health worker can see the current progress of the procedure at all times via a progress bar in the title.
  5. The acquired data is sent back in a packetized format. We are still working on packetization and off-line synchronization, but we are currently able to do some rudimentary upload packetization.
  6. The filled-out form along with pictures, sounds, etc. is sent to the MoCa Dispatch Server, a program that communicates with the mobile phone app, does the data packetization/integrity checking, and sends the data to OpenMRS. The MoCa Dispatch Server currently uses an OpenMRS ?plugin? we wrote. This means that we can write other plugins for the dispatch server so that, in the future, we can support other records systems if we please.
  7. OpenMRS receives the picture and question/answer pairs. This information is tagged to a patient and can be accessed via the ?medical images? tab in OpenMRS.
  8. A queue running on OpenMRS lines up all pending diagnoses awaiting physician review. Clicking on one of the records brings up the question/answers and the image. The image is pan/zoom-able.
  9. The physician can annotate the image with his/her diagnosis. Upon making this annotation, it will be immediately sent to the phone that acquired the data. The physician can see the phone number of the phone that sent the data, so he/she can call the health worker too.
  10. As soon as this annotation is made and sent to the phone (via SMS because it is cheaper and more reliable than GPRS) the phone gets a pop-up saying that a diagnosis has been received for the particular patient number. The health worker has the option of bringing up a window to see the full annotation sent back from the physician, or he/she can dismiss the pop-up and look at it later.

As you can see, we have a complete end-to-end solution in place. While there is still a good deal of work ahead, we now have something that works. I?ll send out screenshots once I get a chance to grab some.

I registered a SourceForge Open Source project and it was approved today. They will host the code and allow others to contribute to the project. I have also set up a Documentation Wiki; there currently isn?t anything on the Wiki, so in the coming few weeks we will want to start documenting the system.

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Update on new partners
December 1st, 2008

Leo Anthony Celi, our MD advisor from Harvard Medical School, recruited new partners in ASEAN Centers for E-Health and Telemedicine as well as the following universities:

  • Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
  • Institut dela Francophonie pour Medicine Tropicale (Laos)
  • University of the Philippines Manila (Philippines)
  • University of Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
  • Ciputra Univerity (Indonesia)
  • Hanoi Medical University (Vietnam)

We?re looking at deploying in the Phillipines in January through March and learning more about how MoCa can meet the needs of patients there.  Things are breaking fast for MoCa - there seems to be a ton of interest in our solution.

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This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


MoCa Mobile Diagnostics is a mobile-linked web application that will allow doctors to diagnose and recommend treatment for cervical cancer patients in Zambia remotely via images.



Project Team

Students Santiago Alfaro
Ted Chan
Clark Freifeld
Sameer Hirji
Crystal Mao
MIT technology collaborators RJ Ryan
& two anonymous MIT students
Video journalists
(from Emerson College)
Nicole Prowell
Ellen Higger
Advisor Gari Clifford

Project Documentation

Slides are presented courtesy of the students, used with permission. Videos are from nextlab on Vimeo, and are not covered by our Creative Commons license.


Moca final video Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.


Moca demo Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.

Final Class Presentation

Moca Final Presentation from nextlab on Vimeo.


Milestone 1: Elevator Pitch PDF
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment PDF
Milestone 3:  System Design and Initial Implementation

Mobile Diagnostics Milestone 3: Initial Implementation Result from nextlab on Vimeo.


Milestone 4: Sustainability PDF

Other Materials
Compiled status updates from “News” section of project blog

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This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


Every year, thousands of people in India are displaced by massive floods as a result of torrential rains during monsoon season. Lack of infrastructure during these times lead to significant delays in communication with relief workers and, as a result, aid delivery. NextMap is a mobile communication platform that supports bi- directional broadcasting and data collection. Unlike existing mobile systems that are proprietary or custom-developed, NextMap aims to create a general, open toolset that can be leveraged across various scenarios from disaster management to environmental conservation in remote locations.


Catholic Relief Services (CRS) 

Project Team

Students Sreya Sengupta 
Vijay Umapathy 
Jeffrey Warren 
Anonymous MIT student
Video journalists 
(from Emerson College)
Nicholas Vaky 
Max Wagenblass
Advisor Rich Fletcher

Project Documentation

The links in this table go to individual webpages containing videos, along with supporting materials like presentation slides where available. You can navigate through these pages in sequence using the links on the top of each page.

Catholic Relief Services – disaster assessment
InnovGreen - NextMap
Final Class Presentation
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment
Episode 2: “Addressing the needs of CRS”
Episode 5: “A Coding Session”
Episode 6


Other Materials

Compiled status entries from “News” section of project blog

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Topics covered: Final Class Presentation

**Slides (PDF - 1.6 MB)
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This video is no longer available.

Topics covered: Milestone 2: Needs Assessment

**Slides (PDF)

[< previous project page](/courses/mas-965-nextlab-i-designing-mobile-technologies-for-the-next-billion-users-fall-2008


Watch the video on Vimeo

This video was produced and provided by Disaster Management via Vimeo, and is not covered under our Creative Commons license.

Topics covered: Episode 2: “Addressing the needs of CRS”

**None for this lecture.

[< previous project page](/courses/mas-965-nextlab-i-designing-mobile-technologies-for-the-next-billion-users-fall-2008


Watch the video on Vimeo

This video was produced and provided by Disaster Management via Vimeo, and is not covered under our Creative Commons license.

Topics covered: Episode 5: “A Coding Session”

**None for this lecture.

[< previous project page](/courses/mas-965-nextlab-i-designing-mobile-technologies-for-the-next-billion-users-fall-2008


Watch the video on Vimeo

This video was produced and provided by Disaster Management via Vimeo, and is not covered under our Creative Commons license.

This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


The Fellows Forum is a project that, partnered with the Telmex Foundation, will connect fellows in Mexico to allow them to share their ideas and become influenced by one another.


Telmex Foundation

Project Team

Students Jon Varsanik
& two anonymous MIT students
Video journalists
(from Emerson College)
Brian Moore
Julianne Palazzo
Advisor Andrés Monroy-Hernandez

Project Documentation

Slides are presented courtesy of the students, used with permission. Videos are from nextlab on Vimeo, and are not covered by our Creative Commons license.


Telmex Fellows Forum final video Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.


Telmex Fellows Forum demo video Fall 2008 from nextlab on Vimeo.

Final Class Presentation

Telmex Fellows Forum Final Presentation from nextlab on Vimeo.


Milestone 1: Elevator Pitch PDF
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment PDF
Milestone 3: System Design and Initial Implementation

fellows forum milestone 3 from nextlab on Vimeo.


Milestone 4: Sustainability PDF

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This content is provided courtesy of the MIT students listed in the Project Team table, and is used with permission.


The Boston Baby Blog is a joint venture with the Boston Mayor’s Office aimed at supporting school readiness in children between the ages of 0 to 5. The Boston Baby Blog will communicate with parents via SMS messaging to keep them informed and involved in their child’s health and development.


Boston, MA Mayor’s Office, Thrive in 5 program

Project Team

Students Rashmi D. Melgiri
and three other anonymous MIT students
Video journalists
(from Emerson College)
Patty Furukawa
Javier Smith
Advisor Luis Sarmenta

Project Documentation

The links in this table go to individual webpages containing videos, along with supporting materials like presentation slides where available. You can navigate through these pages in sequence using the links on the top of each page.

Final Class Presentation
Milestone 1: Elevator Pitch
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment Part 1
Milestone 2: Needs Assessment Part 2
Milestone 3: System Design and Initial Implementation
Milestone 4: Sustainability

« back to project index

Topics covered: Milestone 2: Needs Assessment Part 1

**None for this lecture.
« previous lecture | project home | [next lecture >](/courses/mas-965-nextlab-i-designing-mobile-technologies-for-the-next-billion-users-fall-2008/pages/projects/thriveembed06)

This video is no longer available.

Topics covered: Milestone 1: Elevator Pitch

**Slides (PDF)

[< previous project page](/courses/mas-965-nextlab-i-designing-mobile-technologies-for-the-next-billion-users-fall-2008


This video is no longer available.