21M.342 | Fall 2008 | Undergraduate

Composing for Jazz Orchestra

Video and Audio Classes

This page presents material for selected lectures and outside class sessions. The links go to webpages listing recordings and other resources used in the class.

SES # key:

  • L = lecture session
  • E = required outside event: rehearsal, workshop or performance

L13 Ethiopian jazz and the Either/Orchestra (Guest lecturers: Mulatu Astatke and Russ Gershon) Recordings list and supplemental resources
L16 Gil Evans / Miles Davis collaborations (Guest lecturer: Steve Lajoie) Audio lecture
L17 George Russell and modal jazz Audio lecture
L18 Afro-Cuban music and bebop (Guest lecturer: Bill Lowe) Audio lecture
L20 Postmodern approaches Audio lecture
L21 Soundpainting class with Walter Thompson Audio and video lecture
E10 Soundpainting workshop with MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble and Walter Thompson Audio and video lecture
Spring 2009 event Soundpainting performance by Aardvark Jazz Orchestra with Walter Thompson and Mark Harvey Audio and video lecture

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2008
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Projects with Examples
Activity Assignments