Groups of students designed sets for Wes Savick’s play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots). In Session #18, they constructed models of major set elements and placed them on a replica stage. All work is used with permission of the students.
Furniture and backdrop made of white cardstock are placed on a miniature stage in black foamboard.
The desk here has flaps folded over and glued, and bookshelves/windows sketched directly onto the backdrop.
The chair, table, and human figurine in this set are molded of silver clay.
Two couches and a chair span the stage during Act 2.
By the end of Act 2, the shades are pulled down over the windows.
Act 3 uses some of the same furniture, but in a different arrangement.
Here, the windows are freestanding panels, flanking a large metal panel.
In addition to some benches and tables, this set features a low elevated platform upstage.