Course Description
Statistical Mechanics is a probabilistic approach to equilibrium properties of large numbers of degrees of freedom. In this two-semester course, basic principles are examined. Topics include: Thermodynamics, probability theory, kinetic theory, classical statistical mechanics, interacting systems, quantum statistical …
Statistical Mechanics is a probabilistic approach to equilibrium properties of large numbers of degrees of freedom. In this two-semester course, basic principles are examined. Topics include: Thermodynamics, probability theory, kinetic theory, classical statistical mechanics, interacting systems, quantum statistical mechanics, and identical particles.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
![A sequence of dots in a variety of color that look like grains of sand.](/courses/8-333-statistical-mechanics-i-statistical-mechanics-of-particles-fall-2013/451d74d26c163467208d2c423a69b95c_8-333f13.jpg)
A digitally modified image of a sand dune, which served as the inspiration for the cover of Prof. Kardar’s textbook Statistical Physics of Particles. (Image by Mehran Kardar)