Course Description
This seminar is for students who plan to write a senior thesis in Political Science, and is required of all MIT Political Science majors. Seminar participants will develop their research topics, review relevant research and scholarship, frame their research questions and arguments, choose an appropriate methodology for …
This seminar is for students who plan to write a senior thesis in Political Science, and is required of all MIT Political Science majors. Seminar participants will develop their research topics, review relevant research and scholarship, frame their research questions and arguments, choose an appropriate methodology for analysis, draft the introductory and methodology sections of their theses, and write a complete prospectus of the project.
Course Info

Wives of political prisoners who are protesting with children, Washington, DC, 1922. (Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [reproduction number, LC-USZ6-1820 (b&w film copy neg.)])