Click on the audio file after each word or phrase to hear it pronounced. All pronunciation recordings for this section are available to download here: (ZIP - 1.9MB) (This ZIP file contains: 25 .mov files.)
Section A
- watasi (“I”) → わたし (MOV)
- yoru (“night”) → よる (MOV)
- otera (“temple”) → おてら (MOV)
- are (“that one over there”) → あれ (MOV)
- kuroi (“black”) → くろい (MOV)
- yoko (“side”) → よこ (MOV)
- sara (“dish”) → さら (MOV)
- irimasen ("[I] don’t need [it]") → いりません (MOV)
- minna (“everybody”) → みんな (MOV)
- anmari (“not very”) → あんまり (MOV)
Section B
- simasenne. ("[You] won’t do [it], will [you].") → しませんね。(MOV)
- iya, ikimasendesita. (“No, [I] didn’t go.”) → いや、いきませんでした。(MOV)
- dekimasen. sumimasen ("[I] can’t do [it]. I’m sorry.") → できません。すみません。(MOV)
- hai, tukurimasitayo. (“Yes, [I] made [it].”) → はい、つくりましたよ。(MOV)
Section C
- となり (“next to”) (MOV)
- ほん (“book”) (MOV)
- ふるい (“old”) (MOV)
- つまらない (“boring”) (MOV)
- あたらしい (“new”) (MOV)
- おもしろい (“interesting”) (MOV)
- たなかさん (“Mr. Tanaka”) (MOV)
- しませんね。("[You] don’t do [it], do [you].") (MOV)
- いきませんか。 (“Won’t [you] go?”) (MOV)
- つくりませんよ。 ("[I] didn’t make [it].") (MOV)
- わかりました。 ("[I] understood.") (MOV)
[Listening #2]
[Listening #4]