RES.21G-01 | Spring 2010 | Undergraduate



Hiragana Exercise Sheet - Listening #6

Click on the audio file after each word or phrase to hear it pronounced. All pronunciation recordings for this section are available to download here: (ZIP - 2.1MB) (This ZIP file contains: 31 .mov files.)

Section A

  1. kinoo (“yesterday”) → きのう (MOV)
  2. kyoo (“today”) → きょう (MOV)
  3. gakusee (“student”) → がくせい (MOV)
  4. tookyoo (“Tokyo”) → とうきょう (MOV)
  5. daizyoobu (“all right”) → だいじょうぶ (MOV)
  6. maa (“well”) → まあ (MOV)
  7. doozo (“please”) → どうぞ (MOV)
  8. kiree (“pretty”) → きれい(MOV)
  9. eego (“English”) → えいご (MOV)
  10. kyuu (“nine”) → きゅう (MOV)

Section B

  1. zassi (“magazine”) → ざっし (MOV)
  2. asatte (“day after tomorrow”) → あさって (MOV)
  3. roppyaku (“600”) → ろっぴゃく (MOV)
  4. hassen (“8000”) → はっせん (MOV)
  5. gakkoo (“school”) → がっこう (MOV)
  6. motto (“more”) → もっと (MOV)

Section C

  1. maamaa desu yo. ("[It’s] so-so.") → まあまあですよ。(MOV)
  2. iie, dooitasimasite. (“No, don’t mention it.”) → いいえ、どういたしまして。(MOV)
  3. doomo arigatoo. (“Thanks a lot.”) → どうもありがとう。(MOV)
  4. tyotto tiisakatta desu. (“It was a little small.”) → ちょっとちいさかったです。(MOV)
  5. tottemo yokatta desu nee. ("[It] was really great, wasn’t [it].") → とってもよかったですねえ。(MOV)

Section D

  1. きのう(“yesterday”) (MOV)
  2. どうぞ (“please”) (MOV)
  3. いいです ("[it’s] good") (MOV)
  4. おおきかったです ("[it] was big") (MOV)
  5. せんせい (“teacher”) (MOV)
  6. えいが(“movie”) (MOV)
  7. おかあさん (“mother”) (MOV)
  8. おとうさん(“father”) (MOV)
  9. はっせんはっぴゃく (“8800”) (MOV)
  10. ちゅうがっこう (“junior high school”) (MOV)

[Listening #5]

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