This ebook rubric consists of 100 points in total.
Interview Completion and Effort (25 pts)
- Excellent (25 pts): The interview questions were very comprehensive, and the student put care and effort into the process.
- Highly Successful (20 pts): The interview questions were good, and the process was smooth.
- Satisfactory (15 pts): The interview questions were unclear, and the process was not smooth.
- Not Yet Successful (10 pts): The interview questions were not prepared, and the process was not smooth.
Writing: General Accuracy (20 pts)
- Excellent (20 pts): The reader can understand what the writer is trying to communicate. No interpretation on the reader’s part is necessary—vocabulary usage, word order, characters, and grammar are correct.
- Highly Successful (15 pts): The reader can understand most of what the writer is communicating. Minimal interpretation is required on the reader’s part—vocabulary usage, word order, characters, and grammar are mostly correct.
- Satisfactory (10 pts): The reader can understand only about half of the writer’s message, due to incorrect use of Chinese vocabulary and frequent mistakes with word order, characters, and grammar. The reader relies on interpretation.
- Not Yet Successful (5 pts): The writing is incomprehensible throughout, due to multiple errors in vocabulary usage and consistently incorrect word order, characters, and grammar.
Writing: Narration/Conclusion (25 pts)
- Excellent (25 pts): The narration is well organized and flows. The essay includes an introduction and conclusion. A variety of complete sentences and smooth transitions are incorporated.
- Highly Successful (20 pts): The narration is primarily logical, with complete sentences, and the theme is evident.
- Satisfactory (15 pts): The narration is somewhat illogical and confusing, and it does not explain the topic clearly.
- Not Yet Successful (10 pts): The narration is poorly organized. The theme is unclear, and the paragraphs don’t seem to connect.
Oral Presentation: General Accuracy (25 pts)
- Excellent (25 pts): The pronunciation is clear and the grammar is correct.
- Highly Successful (20 pts): The pronunciation is clear, although there are minor grammatical mistakes.
- Satisfactory (15 pts): The pronunciation is not clear, and the student makes frequent grammatical mistakes.
- Not Yet Successful (10 pts): The pronunciation is not clear and is quite hard to understand. The student consistently makes grammatical mistakes.
Creativity (5 pts)
- Excellent (5 pts): The book’s design and content arrangement are purposeful and engaging.
- Highly Successful (4 pts): The book’s design and content arrangement are straightforward with some designs.
- Satisfactory (3 pts): The book is readable, with minimal design and content arrangement.
- Not Yet Successful (2 pts): The book does not show evidence of design or content arrangement.