Chapter 12: Electrodynamic fields: the superposition integral point of view (PDF)
12.0 Introduction
12.1 Electrodynamic fields and potentials
- Superposition principle
- Continuity conditions
12.2 Electrodynamic fields of source singularities
- Potential of a point charge
- Electric dipole field
- Electric dipole in the sinusoidal steady state
- The far-field and uniformly polarized plane waves
- Magnetic dipole field
12.3 Superposition integral for electrodynamic fields
- Transient response
- Sinusoidal steady state response
12.4 Antennae radiation fields in the sinusoidal steady state
- Distributed current distribution
- Arrays
- Dipoles in broadside array
- Dipoles in end-fire array
- Finite dipoles in end-fire array
- Gain
12.5 Complex Poynting’s theorem and radiation resistance
- Complex Poynting’s theorem
- Radiation resistance
12.6 Periodic sheet-source fields: uniform and nonuniform plane waves
- Transverse magnetic (TM) fields
- Product solutions to the Helmholtz equation
- Transverse electric (TE) fields
12.7 Electrodynamic fields in the presence of perfect conductors
- Method of images
- Quarter-wave antenna above a ground-plane
- Two-element array over ground plane
- Ground-plane with reflector
- Boundaries at the nodes of standing waves
12.8 Summary