RES.6-001 | Spring 2008 | Undergraduate

Electromagnetic Fields and Energy

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Conduction and electroquasistatic charge relaxation (PDF)

7.0 Introduction 
7.1 Conduction constitutive laws

  • Ohmic conduction
  • Unipolar conduction

7.2 Steady Ohmic conduction

  • Continuity conditions
  • Conductance
  • Qualitative view of fields in conductors

7.3 Distributed current sources and associated fields

  • Distributed current source singularities
  • Fields associated with current source singularities
  • Method of images

7.4 Superposition and uniqueness of steady conduction solutions

  • Superposition to satisfy boundary conditions
  • The conductance matrix
  • Uniqueness

7.5 Steady currents in piece-wise uniform conductors

  • Analogy to fields in linear dielectrics
  • Inside-outside approximations

7.6 Conduction analogs

  • Mapping fields that satisfy Laplace’s equation

7.7 Charge relaxation in uniform conductors

  • Net charge on bodies immersed in uniform materials

7.8 Electroquasistatic conduction laws for inhomogeneous material

  • Evolution of unpaired charge density
  • Electroquasistatic potential distribution
  • Uniqueness

7.9 Charge relaxation in uniform and piece-wise uniform systems

  • Fields in regions having uniform properties
  • Continuity conditions in piece-wise uniform systems
  • Nonuniform fields in piece-wise uniform systems

7.10 Summary

7.5.1: Distribution of Unpaired Charge (Courtesy of Education Development Center, Inc. Used with permission.) Chapter 7.5.1: Distribution of Unpaired Charge (demo only) Chapter 7.5.1: Distribution of Unpaired Charge
7.5.2: Rotation of an Insulating Rod in a Steady Current (Courtesy of Education Development Center, Inc. Used with permission.) Chapter 7.5.2: Rotation of an Insulating Rod in a Steady Current (demo only) Chapter 7.5.2: Rotation of an Insulating Rod in a Steady Current
7.7.1: Relaxation of Charge on Particle in Ohmic Conductor (Courtesy of Education Development Center, Inc. Used with permission.) Chapter 7.7.1: Relaxation of Charge on Particle in Ohmic Conductor; Supplement: Van de Graaff and Kelvin Generators Chapter 7.7.1: Relaxation of Charge on Particle in Ohmic Conductor
7.7.1 Supplement: Van de Graaff and Kelvin generators (Courtesy of Education Development Center, Inc. Used with permission.) Chapter 7.7.1: Supplement: Van de Graaff and Kelvin Generators
7.7.2: Electrostatic precipitation Chapter 7.7.2: Electrostatic Precipitation (demo only) Chapter 7.7.2: Electrostatic Precipitation

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