RES.HS-001 | | High School

Chandra Astrophysics Institute

Investigation 1 Image 26

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Image Gallery
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Investigation 1 Image 26
Alt text:
A word problem that reads "Any time you are asked to solve a problem, it may be difficult to decide where to start first. By answering these questions, you will organize your thinking with the goal of understanding how to proceed with a calculation. Never start doing math until you know where you're going! Question; Diagram; Known; Want; Relationship to use; Convert units
Solving problems on linear size.
Image courtesy of Peter Ashton, Simba Kol, Shakib Ahmed
A word problem that reads "Any time you are asked to solve a problem, it may be difficult to decide where to start first. By answering these questions, you will organize your thinking with the goal of understanding how to proceed with a calculation. Never start doing math until you know where you're going! Question; Diagram; Known; Want; Relationship to use; Convert units
Learning Resource Types
Activity Assignments
Lecture Videos