Course Description
Aim is to analyze important current events for what they reveal about the nature and working of our technological world. Starting point is connection between technology and terrorism. Subject also explores how a human-built world can foster insecurity and danger, and how human beings respond. Many invited guests help …
Aim is to analyze important current events for what they reveal about the nature and working of our technological world. Starting point is connection between technology and terrorism. Subject also explores how a human-built world can foster insecurity and danger, and how human beings respond. Many invited guests help develop a strong interdisciplinary approach (science, engineering, social science, humanities). Topics include technological risk and remediation, sociotechnical systems, imagination of disaster, technology and identity, technology and religion, technology and education, and technology and trust. Written and oral assignments and a final project required. Service-learning proposals and web-based presentations, in addition to written work, may be considered for the final project by the instructor.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Workshop Videos
Projects with Examples
Written Assignments

Illustration of the rapid decrease in air traffic over the continental United States from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, September 11, 2001. Each plane in the graphic represents 100 civilian aircraft. (Animation courtesy of Daniel Bersak.)