Course Description
Firms must develop major innovations to prosper, but they don’t know how to. However, recent research into the innovation process has made it possible to develop breakthroughs systematically. 15.356 How to Develop Breakthrough Products and Services explores several practical idea generation development methods. …
Firms must develop major innovations to prosper, but they don’t know how to. However, recent research into the innovation process has made it possible to develop breakthroughs systematically. 15.356 How to Develop Breakthrough Products and Services explores several practical idea generation development methods. To convey the art required to implement each of these methodologies, experts are invited to present real cases to the class.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments
![Photograph of irrigation machines being used on a field of cotton.](/courses/15-356-how-to-develop-breakthrough-products-and-services-spring-2012/e9364f2c78325737c5785e372c8330cc_15-356s12.jpg)
Center-pivot irrigation is an example of user innovation followed by development of a similar commercial product. (Image is in the public domain. Source: Wikipedia.)