STS.036 | Spring 2008 | Undergraduate

Technology and Nature in American History

Photo of two rows of tall concrete grain elevators with a few railroad cars


Grain elevators dwarf a few rail cars near Amarillo, Texas. The growth of railroads and industrial-scale agriculture are among the topics covered in this class. (Photo by Jack Delano, March 1943. Courtesy of The Library of Congress Flickr Commons project.)

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Photo of two rows of tall concrete grain elevators with a few railroad cars
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A photo of two rows of tall concrete grain elevators with a few railroad cars.
Grain elevators dwarf a few rail cars near Amarillo, Texas. The growth of railroads and industrial-scale agriculture are among the topics covered in this class. (Photo by Jack Delano, March 1943. Courtesy of The Library of Congress Flickr Commons project.)
A photo of two rows of tall concrete grain elevators with a few railroad cars.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2008
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples