STS.330 | Spring 2013 | Graduate

History and Anthropology of Medicine and Biology

The anatomy of the hand across several species


This illustration compares the anatomy of the hand across several species. These anatomical differences are important in the classification of life. Diagram E is a human arm, useful for comparison. Hamilton, Robert. “The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea, or Whales.” 1837.

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The anatomy of the hand across several species
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An illustration from a natural history book on whales, showing the comparative anatomy across species, including dugong and bowhead whales.
This illustration compares the anatomy of the hand across several species. These anatomical differences are important in the classification of life. Diagram E is a human arm, useful for comparison. (Hamilton, Robert. “The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea, or Whales.” 1837.)
Hamilton, Robert. “The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea, or Whales.” 1837.
An illustration from a natural history book on whales, showing the comparative anatomy across species, including dugong and bowhead whales.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2013
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples