Course Description
This course, which examines ways of resolving conflicts over the allocation of water resources, is designed to raise student awareness of the state of freshwater resources globally and the need for more effective water governance. It builds on several case studies of transboundary water conflicts in different parts of …
This course, which examines ways of resolving conflicts over the allocation of water resources, is designed to raise student awareness of the state of freshwater resources globally and the need for more effective water governance. It builds on several case studies of transboundary water conflicts in different parts of the world while also helping students develop the negotiation and mediation skills they will need to resolve water disputes.
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Lecture Videos
Presentation Assignments with Examples

Individual countries’ decisions about how to manage water resources can have international repercussions. Pictured here is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile River, under construction since 2012. (Photo courtesy of Water Alternatives on Flickr. License: CC BY-NC.)