I. Introduction
Introduction to Economic Development Planning: Applied Theory at the Local Level
II. LENSES—Why and How to Interfere in the Economy?
1. Local Economic Development: Market Intervention Rationales
- Jacobs, The Economy of Cities, chapters 1–3
- Marshall, The Surprising Design of Market Economies, chapters 1–8
2. Local Economic Development: The Evolution of Mainstream Theory
- Beer and Clower, Globalization, Planning and Local Economic Development, chapters 1–5
- Leigh and Blakeley, Planning Local Economic Development, chapter 3
class assigns readings for session 5
3. The Creative Class and Placemaking
- Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, Revisited, chapter 16
- Florida, The New Urban Crisis, chapters 1–7
4. Race and Equity in Economic Development
- State of Maine Economic Development Strategy
5. Class Choice Topic & Odds and Ends
- readings assigned by class
III. TOOLS—How Does Local Government Work?
6. Local Government Finance Overview
- Overton and Bland, “Exploring the Linkage between Economic Base, Revenue Growth, and Revenue Stability in Large Municipal Governments”
7. Property Taxes and Local Sales Taxes
- Gates, “Residential Property Taxation in New York City”
professional memo #1 due
8. Intergovernmental Transfers / Campaign Finance
- Edwards, “State and Local Revenues Beyond the Property Tax”
- City of Portland [ME] FY 2020 One Year Action Plan
- Narrative History of the CDBG Program in Portland
9. Annual Budgeting and Procurement
- LaVecchia and Mitchell, “Amazon’s Next Frontier: Your City’s Purchasing”
- Town of Brookline [MA] FY2020 Budget
10. Capital Improvement Programs
- Elmer, “Bonds and Borrowing”
- Ragsdale v. City of Memphis (2001)
- City of Pittsburgh v. Alco Parking Corporation (1974)
- Town of Brookline [MA] Capital Improvement Plan 2020–2024.
11. Tax Increment Finance Districts, Business Improvement Districts, Opportunity Zones
- Merriman, “Improving Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for Economic Development”
- Citizens Advocating Responsible Environmental Solutions, Inc., v. City of Marco Island (2007)
- City of Boca Raton v. State (1992)
- Ehrlich v. City of Culver City (1996)
midterm papers due
12. Zoning for Economic Development
- Village of Euclid, Ohio v. Ambler Realty Co. (1926)
- Nollan v. California Coastal Commission (1987)
- Dolan v. City of Tigard (1994)
- Jacobus, “Inclusionary Housing: Creating and Maintaining Equitable Communities”
- Evans-Cowley, “Development Exactions: Process and Planning Issues”
13. Fiscal Impact Studies
- Kotval and Mullin, “Fiscal Impact Analysis: Methods, Cases, and Intellectual Debate”
- Fiscal impact studies
IV. STRATEGIES—Moving from Concepts to Actions
14. Determining Local Advantages and Disadvantages
- Beer and Clower, Globalization, Planning and Local Economic Development, chapters 8–9
15. “Buy Local” Models
- Mitchell, “Monopoly Power and the Decline of Small Businesses: The Case for Restoring America’s Once Robust Antitrust Policies”
- Leigh and Blakeley, Planning Local Economic Development, chapters 9–11.
16. The Creative Class and Incentives
- Beer and Clower, Globalization, Planning and Local Economic Development, chapter 6
- Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, Revisited, chapters 1–3
17. Leveraging Economic Development for Public Policy Goals / Value Capture (guest lecture by Anthony Flint, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy)
- German & Bernstein, “Land Value Capture: Tools to Finance Our Urban Future”
- Willams et al., “The Economics of Inclusionary Development”
- City of Cambridge Incentive Zoning and Jobs Linkage Study, 2019
- Theodos and Meixell, “How Chicago and Cook County Can Leverage Opportunity Zones for Community Benefit”
professional memo #2 due
18. Infrastructure and Public Investment
- Marshall, chapters 9–16
- Beer and Clower, Globalization, Planning and Local Economic Development, chapter 7
19. Managing Risk for Businesses
- Hanson, “Taxes and Economic Development: An Update on the State of the Economics Literature”
- Seidman, Economic Development Finance, chapter 10.
20. Coordination with Other Planning / The Role of Politics
- Beer and Clower, Globalization, Planning and Local Economic Development, chapters 10–12
- Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, Revisited, chapters 10–15
V. CASE STUDIES—How Does This Really Work?
21. Economic Development Planning in Practice: Thompson’s Point, Portland, ME (guest lecture by Chris Thompson, Thompson’s Point developer)
- Thompson’s Point website
- Axelrod, “Thompson’s Point Turns the Corner”
- Nielsen, “That’s Our Dump! [1]”
- Busby, “That’s Our Dump! [2]”
- City of Portland [ME] Transportation Hub Link Feasibility Study (2016)
22. Iterative Economic Development Planning: Assembly Square, Somerville, MA (guest lecture by Wig Zamore, Mystic View Task Force & Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership)
- Assembly Square Planning Study (City of Somerville, 2000)
- Assembly Square Urban Renewal Plan (City of Somerville, 2002)
- Assembly Square Mixed Use District Zoning
- Assembly Square Revised Site Plan and Design Guidelines (2014)
final projects due
VI. Conclusion
Student Presentations