WGS.109 | Fall 2023 | Undergraduate

Women and Global Activism in Art, Media and Politics



A photograph of a mural in San Francisco, California, about women’s health.

Alt text:
A mural on the side of a building featuring six women dressed in different outfits, including indigenous dress and a woman in medical scrubs. A sign reads "Silencio=Muerto More funding for Women's Health Research"
The Maestra Peace Mural, on the side of the The Women’s Building in San Francisco, California, was created by artist Juana Alicia in 1994. (Image by Steve Rhodes on flickr. License: CC BY-NC-SA.)
Image by Steve Rhodes on flickr. License: CC BY-NC-SA.
A mural on the side of a building featuring six women dressed in different outfits, including indigenous dress and a woman in medical scrubs. A sign reads "Silencio=Muerto More funding for Women's Health Research"

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2023
Learning Resource Types
Presentation Assignments
Written Assignments