WGS.S10 | Spring 2014 | Undergraduate

Gender, Power, Leadership, and the Workplace



During an International Women’s Day demonstration in Valencia, Spain, women gathered to collectively breastfeed to advocate for their rights as working mothers. Image courtesy of Amadeu Sanz on Flickr. CC NC-BY-SA.

Alt text:
A photograph of a group of women sit on the ground nursing their babies.
During an International Women’s Day demonstration in Valencia, Spain, women gathered to collectively breastfeed to advocate for their rights as working mothers. (Image courtesy of Amadeu Sanz on Flickr. CC NC-BY-SA.)
Image courtesy of Amadeu Sanz on Flickr. CC NC-BY-SA.
A photograph of a group of women sit on the ground nursing their babies.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2014
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Instructor Insights