A rectangular array of numbers, say n by m, is called a matrix.
The i-j-th element of the matrix A is the element in the
ith row and jth column, and is denoted as Aij. If matrix A has the same number of columns as B has rows, we define the product matrix, AB to be the matrix whose elements are dot products between the rows of A and the columns of B. The element obtained by taking the dot product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B is described as (AB)ij. See also Section 32.2 Exercises:3.7 Find the product of the two matrices above. 3.8 Create a spreadsheet that produces the product of any two 2 by 2 matrices when their input is given. 3.9 Do the same for 3 by 3 matrices. A vector v can be written either as a matrix consisting
of a single row, or of a single column. When writing
it as a column we will write |v> ;
as a row, <v|. The square of
the length of v can then be written
as the matrix product <v||v>.
Exercise 3.10 Choose a symmetric matrix and use the applet to determine the two eigenvectors, approximately. Draw them on a piece of paper. Can you notice something about them? What? |