Given two vectors v and w whose components are elements
of R, with the same number of components, we define their
dot product, written as vw
or (v, w) as the sum of the products of corresponding
components: . Wonderful Fact: The dot product vw is unaffected by rotation between any pair of components. Exercises 3.1 Prove this statement. Solution As a consequence of this fact, in evaluating vw
we can rotate coordinates so that the first basis
vector is in the direction of v and the second one is perpendicular
to it in the vw plane. Exercises 3.2 Express the square of the area of a parallelogram with sides v and w in terms of dot products. Solution The dot product of
v and w divided by the magnitude of w, which
is |v|cos,
is called the component of v in the direction of
w. Exercises: 3.3 Express the square of the component of v in the direction of w in terms of dot products. Solution 3.4 Express the component of v perpendicular to w in terms of dot products. Solution 3.5 Write out (v - w)(v - w) using the linearity of the dot product in each of its arguments. What famous law does this establish? Solution
Exercise 3.6 Express the projection of v on w in terms of dot products and the vector w. Solution |