A function which jumps is not differentiable at
the jump nor is one which has a cusp, like |x| has at x =
Generally the most common forms of non-differentiable behavior
involve a function going to infinity at x, or having a jump
or cusp at x. There are however stranger things. The function
sin(1/x), for example is singular at x = 0 even though it
always lies between -1 and 1. Its hard to say what it does
right near 0 but it sure doesn’t look like a straight line.
If the function f has the form ,
f will usually be singular at argument x if h vanishes there,
h(x) = 0. However if g vanishes at x as well, then f will
usually be well behaved near x, though strictly speaking it
is undefined there. We usually define it at x under such circumstancs
to be the ratio of the linear approximation at x to g to that
to h, which means we define f(x) to be ,
when, of course the denominator here does not vanish. (If
it does vanish and the numerator vanishes as well, you can
try to definite f(x) by the linear approximation to these,
etc.) This kind of thing, an isolated point at which a function
is not defined, is called a “removable singularity” and the
procedure for removing it just discussed is called "l'
Hospital’s rule". An example is
at x = 0.

Continuous but non differentiable functions:
