Course Description
This course aims to get students thinking about politics and policy as a part of their everyday life. We treat politics as a struggle among competing advocates trying to persuade others to see the world as they do, working within a context that is structured primarily by institutions and cultural ideas. We’ll begin by …
This course aims to get students thinking about politics and policy as a part of their everyday life. We treat politics as a struggle among competing advocates trying to persuade others to see the world as they do, working within a context that is structured primarily by institutions and cultural ideas. We’ll begin by developing a policymaking framework, understanding ideology, and taking a whirlwind tour of the American political system. Then, we’ll examine six policy issues in depth: health care, gun control, the federal budget, immigration reform, same-sex marriage, and energy and climate change.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Instructor Insights

President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010. The bill, which reformed health care throughout the United States, provoked a highly partisan political battle during its passage through Congress. (Image is an Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy and is in the public domain.)