11.350 | Spring 2023 | Graduate

Sustainable Real Estate


Problem Sets

We will have two problem sets in total, and both are directly linked with the economic sessions of the course. They are both based on simplified real-world data and business cases. Students will need to apply the analytical framework and quantitative skills learned in class to support evidence generation and business decision-making. Each problem set will count equally toward the final grade. 

  • All problem sets should be submitted electronically before the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted. 
  • Students are encouraged to work in groups, but each student must complete and submit their write-up independently. Students should specify the names of students they work together with. We do not expect to see the same answers and codes in any section of the problem sets. Violation of this rule will be considered as an academic integrity problem and will be subject to MIT’s corresponding policies. 

[Note: problem sets not available on MIT OpenCourseWare.]

Business Case Assignments

Effective business case class participation includes preparation, and making an active and constructive contribution to the class discussion. Students are expected to come to each class having finished the case reading.

  • Students need to prepare answers for each discussion question, applying economics learning to business case analysis and taking a position on the debate question. The answers need to be posted on the online discussion forum 24 hours before class. 
  • For in-class contribution, both quantity and quality are relevant. We will be “cold-calling” students during class to contribute to the discussions. Class members who summarize, clarify, simplify, or suggest what else needs to be covered can make a valuable contribution. Focus on increasing the quality-to-airtime ratio of your contributions. We will evaluate your participation on a 1–3 scale: 1) voice; 2) opinion; 3) the impact of the comments, for example whether they were picked up by other students.

[Note: case study assignments not available on MIT OpenCourseWare.]

Midterm Exam

We will have an in-class, closed-book midterm exam in the seventh week of class. Students have 90 minutes to complete the exam. Calculators are allowed. 

Final Project

The final project will be group-based and related to making investment decisions. The students will take the role of a PE fund general partner and the projects to be evaluated will be relevant for sustainability and climate resilience. All groups will pitch in the final class to present their evaluations. Please read the final project brief carefully for more details.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Lecture Videos
Multiple Assignment Types