Lecture Notes

The first half of each class session is a guest lecture that is open to the public. Some guest lecturers have agreed to post their notes below.


Introduction to Transition:  Comparative Statistics and Stories

Transition Paths

Dani Rodrik, Harvard University
2 The Importance of Institutions (PDF) (Courtesy of Meijun Qian, Jun Qian, and Franklin Allen. Used with permission.) Jun Qian, Boston College
3 The Rule of Law and Property Rights in Transition (Woodruff, David M. “Property Rights in Context: Privatization’s Legacy for Corporate Legality in Poland and Russia.” Studies in Comparative International Development (Third draft, August 14, 2003) David Woodruff, MIT
4 Liberalization and Privatization Stacy D. VanDeveer, University of New Hampshire
5 Asian versus European Transition? (Svejnar, Jan. “Transition Economies: Performance and Challenges.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 16, no. 1 (winter, 2002): 3-28.) Jan Svejnar, William Davidson Institute and University of Michigan
6 A Rising Tide? The Growth of Inequality in Transition Albert Park, University of Michigan
7 The Emergence of the Private Firm (PDF) (Courtesy of John McMillan, Christopher Woodruff, and the American Economic Association. Used with permission.) Christopher Woodruff, University of California San Diego
8 Relations with Local Government Youtien Hsing, University of California Berkeley
9 Are Foreign firms privileged by their host governments? Yasheng Huang, MIT
10 The Shape of Transition: Cities under Transition (PDF) (Courtesy of Alain Bertaud and Bertrand Renaud (Principal of Renaud Advisors). Used with permission.) Alain Bertaud, Private Consultant
11 The Emergence of Entrepreneurs Kazimierz Kirejczyk, REAS Consulting
12 Bringing it all together Annette Kim