Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 1 session / week, 2 hours / session
Permission of instructor
This course covers the following topics: Production and movement of surficial materials; soils and soil erosion; precipitation; streams and lakes; groundwater flow; glaciers and their deposits. The course combines aspects of geology, climatology, hydrology, and soil science to present a coherent introduction to the surface of the Earth, with emphasis on both fundamental concepts and practical applications, as a basis for understanding and intelligent management of the Earth’s physical and chemical environment.
Physics and chemistry of the Earth’s surface
- Heating and cooling
- The chemistry of the surface zone
- The nature of water
- The flow of water
The solid materials of the Earth’s surface
- Minerals
- Rocks
- Bedrock
- Weathering
- Regolith and sediment
- Soils
- Maps, and how to read them
- Understanding and using contours and contour maps
- Geologic maps and cross sections
- Infiltration and percolation
- The physics of groundwater movement
- Aquifers, aquicludes, and the groundwater table
- Water wells
- Groundwater in coastal regions
- Hydrology of rivers
- Flow of water in rivers
- Sediment transport in rivers
- Plan form of rivers
- Classification of rivers
- Floodplains and floods
- The nature of lakes
- Thermal structure of lakes
- Glaciology
- Glacial erosion and transport
- Glacial sediments
- Glacial landforms
- Waves
- Tides
- Classification of coasts
- Beaches
- Estuaries
- Deltas
- The nature of deserts
- Eolian sediment transport
- Wind ripples
- Eolian dunes
- Mass wasting
- Creep
- Landslides
- Landforms
- The nature of valleys
- The nature of mountains
- Erosion cycles
- Desert sand seas
- Small-scale landforms
- Rates of landscape change
Physical and chemical cycles
- The Earth as a system
- The hydrologic cycle
- The carbon cycle
There are mid-term exam and final exam. Both exams are in class close book exams. Mid-term exam is optional.
If a student receives better grade in final exam than in mid-term exam, then final exam counts for 100% of the grade. If a student receives better grade in mid-term exam than in final exam, then mid-term exam counts for 1/3 of the grade and final exam counts for 2/3 of the grade.