12.114 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Field Geology I

Lecture Notes

Lectures for Field Geology are presented as slide shows. The image galleries below correspond to lectures 3, 4, 6 and 7. All pictures are accompanied by lengthy captions, summaries of the spoken comments on each picture by Prof. Burchfiel.

Lecture 3 Image Gallery: Field Logistics

Lecture 4 Image Gallery: Passive Margin to Antler Orogeny

Lecture 6 Image Gallery: Antler Orogeny to Permian

Lecture 7 Image Gallery: Permian to Present

Lectures 8-13 were seminar-style paper discussion sessions.

Except as noted, all images courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.

Except as noted, all images are courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.

Unless otherwise noted, all images are courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Activity Assignments