12.114 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Field Geology I

Lecture 4 Image Gallery



This image is from Death Valley, well west of the hinge line. The pile of Cambrian sediments here are ~3000 meters of carbonate rocks are represent only a small portion of the rocks that represent the same time period we just looked at in the Grand Canyon. While in the east the sequence is ~200 meters thick, the same sequence in the west is greater than up to 10,000 meters thick! This is what subsidence can do! Image courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.

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Death Valley.
This image is from Death Valley, well west of the hinge line. The pile of Cambrian sediments here are ~3000 meters of carbonate rocks are represent only a small portion of the rocks that represent the same time period we just looked at in the Grand Canyon. While in the east the sequence is ~200 meters thick, the same sequence in the west is greater than up to 10,000 meters thick! This is what subsidence can do!
Image courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.
Death Valley.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Activity Assignments