12.114 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Field Geology I

Lecture 6 Image Gallery



In this image you can see a big thick stratigraphic section on the eastern edge of the foredeep where continental sediments and carbonates continued to do be deposited. Here there is no record of the Antler foredeep or orogeny. Image courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.

Alt text:
Stratigraphic section on the edge of the foredeep.
In this image you can see a big thick stratigraphic section on the eastern edge of the foredeep where continental sediments and carbonates continued to do be deposited. Here there is no record of the Antler foredeep or orogeny.
Image courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.
Stratigraphic section on the edge of the foredeep.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Activity Assignments