12.114 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Field Geology I

Lecture 6 Image Gallery



If we move west from the previous slide we see the continental margin sediments sourced from the east inter-finger with the conglomerates sourced from the Antler Orogeny in the foredeep. In the central part of the foredeep, the sediments are 5-6 km thick, but if you go east, out of the foredeep, toward the continentally derived sediments, you find for the same time period sediments that are 300-400m thick. Image courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.

Alt text:
Continental margin sediments.
If we move west from the previous slide we see the continental margin sediments sourced from the east inter-finger with the conglomerates sourced from the Antler Orogeny in the foredeep. In the central part of the foredeep, the sediments are 5-6 km thick, but if you go east, out of the foredeep, toward the continentally derived sediments, you find for the same time period sediments that are 300-400m thick.
Image courtesy of Professor Burchfiel.
Continental margin sediments.

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