14.15 | Spring 2022 | Undergraduate, Graduate



Readings are assigned from the following two textbooks. See suggested additional readings.

[EK] = David Easley and Jon Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521195331.
An excellent textbook at about the level of our course; we will however go somewhat deeper on some topics. View the full text online.

[Jackson] = Matthew Jackson, Social and Economic Networks, Princeton University Press. ISBN: 9780691148205.
An excellent textbook at a somewhat more advanced level.

Lecture 1

Topic: Introduction to social and economic networks 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 1; [Jackson] Chapter 1 

Lecture 2

Topic: Describing and measuring networks 

Reading: [EK] Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 13; [Jackson] Chapters 2 and 3 

Lecture 3

Topic: Eigenvector-based centrality measures 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 14 

Lecture 4

Topic: Production networks 

Optional Reading: “Production Networks: A Primer,” Carvalho and Tahbaz-Salehi, Annual Review of Economics, 11:635-663, 2019. 
Note: This reading is a bit too advanced. You can skim it as you wish.

Lecture 5 

Topic: Social learning on networks 1: DeGroot learning 

Reading: [Jackson] Chapter 8.3 

Lectures 6–8 

Topic: Random graphs 

Reading: [Jackson] Chapter 4 

Lecture 9  

Topic: Diffusion models 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 21; [Jackson] Chapters 7.1-7.2 

Lecture 10

Topic: Diffusion models and the Covid-19 Pandemic (guest lecture by Sara Ellison)

Reading: “An Economist’s Guide to Epidemiology Models of Infectious Disease,” Ellison et al., Journal of Economic Perspectives, 34(4) 79-104, 2020.

Lectures 11–12 

Topic: Strategic aspects of diffusion and cascading behavior 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 19; [Jackson] Chapter 9.6 

Lecture 13

Topic: Introduction to game theory 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 6 

Lecture 14

Topic: Network traffic and congestion 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 8 

Lectures 15–16

Topic: Network effects in markets 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 17; [Jackson] Section 9.7 and 10.1-10.2 

Lecture 17

Topic: Competitive pricing in networks 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 10 

Lecture 18

Topic: Bargaining and intermediation in networks 

Reading: [EK] Chapters 11 and 12; [Jackson] Section 10.3 

Lecture 19

Topic: Trust and cooperation in networks 

No assigned readings

Lecture 20 (Guest lecture by Asuman Ozdaglar)

Topic: Advanced topics in network game theory

No assigned readings

Lecture 21

Topic: Auctions 

Reading: [EK] Chapters 9 and 15 

Lecture 22 

Topic: Information aggregation 

Reading: [EK] Chapters 22 and 23 

Lecture 23 

Topic: Social learning on networks 2: Bayesian learning 

Reading: [EK] Chapter 16; [Jackson] Chapter 8.1-8.2 

Lecture 25 (Guest lecture by James Siderius)

Topic: Social networks, misinformation, and polarization

 No assigned readings

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Online Textbook
Problem Sets