15.322 | Fall 2003 | Graduate

Leading Organizations II


Some of the course readings listed below refer to these books:

Schein, Edgar H. Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values. San Diego, CA: University Associates, 1990. (Workbook)

Van Maanen, John. Tales of the Field. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988. (Optional)

Bailyn, Lotte. Breaking the Mold. New York, NY: Free Press, 1993. (Optional)

1 The Changing Organizational World: Problems and Prospects Ancona, Kochan, Scully, Van Maanen, and Westney. Changing Organizational Models. In Organizational Behavior and Processes. Edited by Ancona, et al. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2003. (inc. “Coda”)

Semler, Ricardo. Managing Without Managers. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA: September-October, 1989.

2 Learning Styles Argyris, Chris. Teaching Smart People How to Learn. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA: May 1991.
3 Career Anchors Schein. Career Anchors. (Booklet)
4 Three Perspectives on Organizational Analysis and Action Ancona, et al. The Three Lenses: Strategic Design, Political and Cultural. In Organizational Behavior and Processes. Edited by Ancona, et al. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2003.
5 Reward Systems and Incentives Björkman I., and C. Galunic. Lincoln Electric in China. INSEAD, 1999. European Case Clearing House Case No. 499-021-1.

Pfeffer, Jeffrey. Six Dangerous Myths About Pay. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA: May 1998.

6 Power and Networks in Organizations Skinner, C. Wickham, and Ardis Burst. Elizabeth Best (A, B, and C). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1991. Case No. 9-675-123, 9-675-124, and 9-675-125.

Krackhardt, David, and Jeffrey R. Hansen. Informal Networks: The Company Behind the Chart. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA: July 1993.

7 Group Process Revisited Review: Schein. Process Consultation. Chapter 4 in Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values. San Diego, CA: University Associates, 1990.
8 Cultural Rules of Interaction Schein, Edgar H. Three Cultures of Management: The Key to Organizational Learning. MIT Sloan Management Review. Boston, MA: Fall 1996, pp. 9-20.

Kunda, Gideon and John Van Maanen. Changing Scripts at Work: Emotional Labor of Managers and Professionals. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 561, no. 1, January 1999.

Review: Bailyn. Chapters 5 and 6 in Breaking the Mold. New York, NY: Free Press, 1993. (Optional)

Van Maanen. Chapters 1 and 2 in Tales of the Field. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988. (Optional)

9 Models of Organization Change Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, Barry A. Stein, and Todd D. Jick. The Challenge of Organizational Change. New York, NY: Free Press, 1992, Chapter 10.
10 Living in a Changing Organizational World Loveman, Gary. The Case of the Part-Time Partner. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA: September 1990.

Schoar, Juliet. Workers of the World, Unwind. Technology Review. Cambridge, MA: November-December 1991.

Handy, Charles. Trust and the Virtual Organization. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA: May 1995.

Review: Bailyn. Chapters 7 and 8 in Breaking the Mold. New York, NY: Free Press, 1993. (Optional)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2003