Team Formation Process
G-Lab will entail extensive team work. You need to build a team with diverse and complementary skills. This is key to success in your internship. Think carefully about the people you want to work with (and even temporarily live with) and how you will allocate responsibilities within your team. We will help you as much as possible, but ultimately team selection and operation is your responsibility.
During Ses #3, two classes before match forms are due, there will be an in-class mixer to give you an opportunity to find or complete your team and ask the faculty questions about particular projects that interest you.
Match Process
Questionnaires are submitted by the host companies. They contain substantial background information on the projects and the proposed focus for a G-Lab team. Many list one or more faculty or other advisors to contact for more details. If you have questions regarding the proposed project, please talk to those faculty. You should not contact any company until matching is complete.
Please note that most of the questionnaires include a section asking for required or requested skill sets or background, including language. As you review questionnaires, bear in mind the requirements that the host companies have laid out. They will carry great weight in the match process.
By Ses #5, your team must submit a team project application. Treat this as a job application. You’ll rank 3 projects in order of preference, submit a team profile, and write short persuasive statements on your team’s strengths and particular suitability for each project – in short, a cover letter. The persuasive statements are vital to the application process, and many great teams have shot themselves in the collective foot by writing a lousy cover letter. You must also attach your resumes and a photo page to your application. Your resume should be 1 page and no longer than 2. The photo page should include a picture of each member of your team alongside your contact information. The photo page and resumes will ultimately be sent to the client.
The match process is confidential and conducted by the faculty. Their decisions are final. Historically, roughly 60% of teams get their first choice and another 20% get their second or third. Every team will be matched, and every team will have a great experience.
Your G-Lab team is assigned a faculty mentor with whom you will meet at regular intervals throughout the course. The team-mentor relationship is designed in such a way that the team takes primary responsibility for working with the client and leading the project. The faculty mentor plays a supporting role in which she/he:
- Coaches the team and team members on working together for successful completion of the project
- Shares and facilitates feedback with the team on project management
- Provides understanding of protocols for working with the client
- Mediates relationship with client as necessary
- Gives feedback on course deliverables and team dynamics, if appropriate
- Grades course deliverables
A mentor is your advisor, not your supervisor. Your team will own your relationship with the host company. You, not the faculty, will be responsible for negotiating and managing all aspects of the work plan and the project, during the fall and IAP.
Meetings may be scheduled during designated class time or outside of class. You should anticipate meeting with your mentor roughly three times during the Fall, though some teams find it helpful to meet more often. In addition, faculty mentors will often travel to host countries to meet with you and your client, as schedules allow.