1 |
Introduction |
Phills, J., Jr. “The Sound of No Music.” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Fall 2004): 44-53. Putnam, R. “The Strange Disappearance of Civic America.” The American Prospect, Winter 1996, 34-48. Drucker, P. “Part One: The Mission Comes First: Sections 1 (The Commitment) and 2 (Leadership Is a Foul-Weather Job).” Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices. New York, NY: HarperBusiness, pp. 3-27. ISBN: 0887306012_._ |
2 |
Strategy/Growth |
Gruber, R., and M. Mohr. “Strategic Management for Multiprogram Nonprofit Organizations.” California Management Review (Spring 1982): 15-22. Bradach, J. “Going to SCALE: The Challenge of Replicating Social Programs.” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Spring 2003): 18-25. |
3 |
Managing The Workforce |
Letts, C., W. Ryan, and A. Grossman. “Human Resources: Developing Employees to Advance Organizational Goals.” Chapter 6 in High Performance Nonprofit Organizations: Managing Upstream for Greater Impact. New York, NY: Wiley, pp. 107-128. ISBN: 0471174572. Oster, S. “Human Resource Management.” Chapter 5 in Strategic Management for Non-Profit Organizations: Theory and Cases. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, pp. 65-74. ISBN: 0195085035. |
4 |
Governance |
Bowen, W. “When a Business Leader Joins a Nonprofit Board.” Harvard Business Review (September-October 1994): 38-42. Stauffer, D. “The ‘Pay’ from Volunteer Service Can Include Career Gains.” Harvard Management Update (August 1998): 1-4. Taylor, B., R. Chait, and T. Holland. “The New Work of the Nonprofit Board.” Harvard Business Review (September-October 1996): 36-43. |
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Evaluation |
Sawhill, J., and D. Williamson. “Mission Impossible? Measuring Success in Nonprofit Organizations.” Nonprofit Management & Leadership (Spring 2001): 371-386. Colby, S., N. Stone, and P. Carttar. “Zeroing in on Impact.” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Fall 2004): 24-33. |
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Funding, Marketing |
Lauffer, A. “The Strategic Marketing Approach.” Chapter 1 in Strategic Marketing for Not-for-Profit Organizations: Program and Resource Development. New York, NY: Free Press, pp. 3-15. ISBN: 0029182603. Cialdini, R. “The Power of Persuasion: Putting the Science of Influence to Work in Fundraising.” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Summer 2003): 18-27. |
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Organizational Change |
Goddeeris, J., and B. Weisbrod. “Why Not For-Profit? Conversions and Public Policy.” Chapter 7 in Nonprofits and Government: Collaboration and Conflict. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, pp. 235-265. ISBN: 0877666873. |
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Universities |
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Foundations |
Hall, H. “Inside a Foundation: How Grants Are Made.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy (December 11, 1990): 6-7, and 16-21. Letts, C., W. Ryan, and A. Grossman. “Virtuous Capital: Investing in Performance.” Chapter 9 in High Performance Nonprofit Organizations: Managing Upstream for Greater Impact. New York, NY: Wiley, pp. 169-191. ISBN: 0471174572. Letts, C., and W. Ryan. “Filling the Performance Gap: High Engagement Philanthropy.” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Spring 2003): 26-33. |
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Consulting For The Non-Profit Sector |
Course Info
As Taught In
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments