16.55 | Fall 2014 | Graduate

Ionized Gases



Artist’s conception of the New Millennium Deep Space 1 spacecraft. Courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA. Image is in the public domain.

Alt text:
An artist's illustration of the Deep Space 1 spacecraft from behind that shows the blue plasma tail from the ion propulsion system that moves the craft toward a distant galaxy.
Artist’s conception of the New Millennium Deep Space 1 spacecraft. (Courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA. Image is in the public domain.)
Courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA. Image is in the public domain.
An artist's illustration of the Deep Space 1 spacecraft from behind that shows the blue plasma tail from the ion propulsion system that moves the craft toward a distant galaxy.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2014
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights