Course Description
Political Economy I explores the major social science paradigms for analyzing relations among state, economy, and society. Through readings, lectures and discussion of original texts in political liberalism and individualism, neo-classical economics, Marxism, sociological and cultural theories, and …
Political Economy I explores the major social science paradigms for analyzing relations among state, economy, and society. Through readings, lectures and discussion of original texts in political liberalism and individualism, neo-classical economics, Marxism, sociological and cultural theories, and neo-institutionalism, the seminar examines the fundamental assumptions on which our understanding of the social world and our research are based.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments

Four of the most influential economists in the 19th and 20th centuries. Clockwise from the top left: Karl Marx, Max Weber, Milton Friedman, and John Maynard Keynes. (Images are in the public domain.)