17.262 | Spring 2023 | Graduate

Congress and the American Political System II


Discussion Agenda Memos

You will write brief, two-page memos, due the afternoon before each class meeting, about the points you want to discuss at the next day’s seminar. A list of bullet points is fine. The goal is to get us thinking ahead of time about the topics that interest you.

“General Exam” Essays

Three times during the semester, you will write a paper that poses a general-exam-type question about the congressional politics literature and then answers the question. The papers will cover the material associated with the indicated topics.

Essay #1

Covering the sessions: Theories of legislative behavior; Congressional representation; Representation of race, gender, religion, and class; Congressional elections; Congressional candidates, careers, and the incumbency advantage; and Representation and elections.

This essay is due during session 7.

Essay #2

Covering the sessions: Committees, Parties and leadership I and II, Decision-making, and Internal organization.

This essay is due during session 11.

Essay #3

Covering the sessions: Policymaking and interbranch relations, Party polarization and the new “New Congress,” and History and development of Congress.

This essay is due during session 13.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2023
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments