18.226 | Fall 2022 | Graduate

Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics


Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session


or permission of instructor

Course Description

This course is a graduate-level introduction to the probabilistic methods, a fundamental and powerful technique in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. The essence of the approach is to show that some combinatorial object exists and prove that a certain random construction works with positive probability. The course focuses on methodology as well as combinatorial applications.


  • Linearity of expectations
  • Alterations
  • Second moment
  • Chernoff bound
  • Lovász local lemma
  • Correlation inequalities
  • Janson inequalities
  • Concentration of measure
  • Entropy
  • Containers


Alon, Noga and Joel H. Spencer. The Probabilistic Method. Wiley, 2016. ISBN: 9781119061953. (The fourth edition is the latest, but earlier editions suffice.)


Grading is primarily based on homework grades (no exams). A modifier up to 5 percentage points may be applied (in either direction) in calculating the final grade, based on factors such as participation.

Final letter grade cutoffs: Only non-starred problems are considered for the calculations of letter grades other than A and A+.

  • A− : ≥ 85%
  • B− : ≥ 70%
  • C− : ≥ 50%

Grades of A and A+ are awarded at instructor’s discretion based on overall performance. Solving a significant number of starred problems is a requirement for grades of A and A+.

Note that for MIT students, ± grade modifiers do not count towards the GPA and do not appear on the external transcript.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2022
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights
Problem Sets