Lectures 2 & 3: Error Correcting Codes (PDF)
Lectures 4–6: Quadratic Solvability, Low-Degree Extensions and the Sum-check Protocol (PDF)
Lectures 7 & 8: Low-Degree Testing (PDF)
Lecture 9: A PCP with Polylog Many Queries and Formalizations of PCPs (PDF)
Lectures 10 & 11: Hadamard and Quadratic Hadamard Codes; The Composition Technique (PDF)
Lecture 12: Aggregation of Queries (PDF)
Lecture 13: Hardness of Approximating the Maximum Clique (PDF)
Lectures 14 & 15: The Parallel Repetition Theorem (PDF)
Lecture 16: The Set-Cover Problem and A Reduction from Label-cover to Set-cover (PDF)
Lectures 17–20: The Long-code Paradigm and Some Optimal Inapproximability Results (PDF)
Lecture 21: The Unique-Games Conjecture and the Goemans-Williamson Algorithm (PDF)