18.821 | Spring 2013 | Undergraduate

Project Laboratory in Mathematics


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In this section, Prof. Haynes Miller and Susan Ruff describe the criteria for presentations and the components of the presentation workshop.

The course fulfills the CI-M requirement at MIT, and as such, offers instruction in mathematical communication. As part of that instruction, each student team is required to give a fifty-minute presentation on one of its three projects, and these presentations are intended to parallel the seminar lectures that form an important mode of communication in the discipline.

Criteria for Good Presentations

Effective presentations provide motivation, communicate intuition, and stimulate interest, all while being mathematically accurate and informative. As is true with their experience with mathematical writing, many students do not enter the course in possession of the tools to do much more than present the facts. For example, students often come to practice presentations with the mistaken belief that a mathematical presentation must be extremely formal throughout, every term must be rigorously defined, all facts must be proven, and pictures are too infantile for this level of presentation. We try to counter these preconceptions and urge flexibility and a sense of appropriateness: sometimes things need to be presented rigorously and formally, but sometimes a picture, conceptual explanation, or example is much more effective.

Characteristics of an Effective Undergraduate Research Talk (PDF)

Presentation Workshop

For the presentation workshop, which typically lasts 50 to 80 minutes, we begin by having the two co-instructors each give a short mock presentation. These presentations are designed to address common student misconceptions about mathematics presentations. For example, to help students realize that presentations should not be relentlessly formal, the first presentation might be good in every way except that it is dull and difficult to follow because it is unnecessarily formal throughout. In contrast, the second presentation might cover the same material but use examples and figures to introduce some concepts informally, while reserving rigorous formality as a strategy for clarifying and solidifying the most subtle or important concepts.

To help students recognize the value of the second presentation relative to the first, after each presentation we ask the students a question designed to check their understanding of the content. The goal is to allow students to discover their natural tendency to overlook weaknesses in presentations. When they try to answer questions about it, they may discover that they got less from it than they had thought. The second presentation is then intended to offer a more understandable approach to the same material. Of course it’s the second time students will have heard this material, so they will naturally understand it better. But this serves a pedagogical purpose too, as it reinforces our point.

We follow the presentations with a class discussion on how to give a good presentation. Carefully designing two mock presentations has the virtue of drawing attention to key learning objectives, but doing so is challenging. In Spring 2013, each mock presentation was delivered by a different instructor and so had different advantages and disadvantages, as is stressed by Haynes’ comments on the workshop (PDF). In the past we have reduced accidental differences between the presentations by having a single instructor present both, and we may return to that approach in the future.

After the mock presentations, the class discusses the characteristics of a good presentation. Questions we discuss often include the following:

  • What are the reasons to include a proof in a presentation?
  • What other strategies are available for achieving these goals?
  • What strategies can be used to make a math presentation engaging for the target audience of math majors?

In Spring 2013, the mock presentations ran long, and the class session was shorter than we had originally planned because of scheduling disruptions at MIT. Thus, the subsequent discussion was rushed. The presentation workshop works best when there is ample time for discussion.

We hope that students come away from this workshop with an appreciation for some of the complexities in designing a good presentation. Pretty much every choice involved has both pros and cons.

This video features the presentation workshop from Spring 2013. The co-instructors deliver mock presentations, which are followed by a brief class discussion comparing the two presentations.

Chalk Talks versus Slide Presentations

Different instructors have set different expectations for the presentations. Some have insisted on slide presentations. More typically, students are encouraged to use media suited to the demands of the presentation.

When discussing slide presentations in mathematics, we usually make the following points:

  • When slides contain large amounts of text (or equations), the audience cannot read and listen at the same time, so strategies are needed either to reduce the content on the slides or to guide the audience through the content.
  • The audience needs time to absorb math concepts, but it is very easy to click through slides too quickly, especially when the presenter is nervous, so strategies are needed to give the audience time to think.
  • The audience cannot refer to past slides to remind themselves of the meaning of new notation or of the purpose of details being presented, so strategies are needed to help the audience remember important points.

A Note about Scheduling

In the course, roughly one group presents each week. Experience has shown that the first team to present sets the bar for the rest of the semester. It is important that the first team be chosen carefully and be guided well so that they give a strong presentation.

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In this section, Prof. Haynes Miller and Susan Ruff explain their use of practice presentations as well as how teams receive feedback on their presentations from both faculty and peers.

Students present informally during the mentor meetings and debriefings. When it is a team’s turn to present formally to the class, they first prepare by practicing with the help of their mentor for that project, the communication instructor, and the lead instructor. After the formal presentation to the class, the team receives completed feedback forms from peers and from the course staff.

Practice Presentations


Each presentation is preceded by a practice presentation three to five days before the in-class presentation.

Students are told to treat the practice presentation as though it were the final presentation. This encourages students to prepare appropriately. Practice presentations are typically attended by the group’s mentor for that project, the communication instructor, and the lead instructor. We schedule two hours for each practice session to allow ample time both for the one-hour presentation and for feedback and discussion.

Feedback on Practice Presentations

Students share the work of presenting in various ways. In Spring 2013, all teams gave presentations in which one student talked for the first third, another for the next third, and another for the final third. During the practice presentations, we would stop after each student’s part, and the whole group would discuss what we saw. Practice presentations were typically on Fridays, with the final in-class presentation happening on the subsequent Monday. The students would do a lot of work over the weekend. We were very pleased with how well the students picked up both the letter and the spirit of our critiques and put them into their final presentations. We loved doing the practice presentations with the students, helping them improve their presentations, and seeing the improvement from the practice to the final presentation in the class.

Typically Susan would write comments as the practice presentation progressed, and then give these comments to the students at the end of the practice presentation.


Over the years, instructors have approached practice presentations and final presentations in different ways. Here are some variations that have been tried:

  • A mini conference at the end of the semester. One year, we concentrated all the talks into a mini “conference” at the end of the term. One disadvantage was that students couldn’t learn from their classmates’ talks in time to improve their own. Another was that because the whole class only met together for the start-of-term workshops and for presentations, the class did not meet as a whole group for most of the semester, and the students didn’t really interact with any classmates other than those in their teams.
  • Slide-based talks. It can be challenging to get students to put adequate effort into a presentation, especially if it is a chalk and blackboard talk. One semester, we insisted on slide presentations, which forced students to do a certain amount of preparation and improved the overall quality of presentations. This puts a burden of learning the slide presentation technology (often Beamer) on students, and does not reflect current practice in many areas of mathematics.
  • Give practice presentation comments after the whole group has presented. In the past, we sometimes had the entire team give the presentation before giving feedback, rather than after each person presented his or her part. This allowed us to see the transitions and overall structure of the presentation before formulating comments. The converse practice, of interrupting presentations repeatedly for comments, does not work well; it is discouraging, it fails to let students get into the swing of their presentation, and students do not have the chance to absorb suggestions.

Peer Feedback

In Spring 2013, students were asked to give written feedback on their classmates’ presentations.

Students made comments in the following categories:

  • What did you particularly like about the presentation?
  • Which part of the presentation was most difficult to follow?
  • What advice do you have for the presenters for the future?

The students had the option of signing the response form on the front, if they were willing to let others see their names attached to their comments, or they could sign the form on the back, if they didn’t want their names attached to their comments. At the end of class, we collected these sheets, scanned the fronts, sent them to the presenters, and posted them on the course website. Most students chose to have their name visible, and the comments were generally quite constructive and astute. We do not have quantitative evidence on the impact of these forms, but we had the feeling that they helped students be more engaged in their classmates’ talks and reflective about what makes a good talk. We hope the feedback was useful both to the presenters and to groups that presented later in the semester.

Select Student Response Sheets for Sample Presentation (PDF) (Courtesy of MIT students. Used with permission.)

The peer response sheets also served as an indication of attendance. Ten percent of the presentation grade was allocated to an attendance mark. Attendance was in fact quite high, and students often wrote to Haynes in advance if they had to be absent. In one case a student watched a flip-cam recording of a presentation he had to miss. We think the high attendance was largely a function of the high quality of the presentations, since all the teams gave very good presentations.

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To illustrate the development and delivery of the student presentations, videos of a sample practice presentation and final presentation are below.

Sample Presentation: The Dynamics of Successive Differences Over ℤ and ℝ

This project developed from the project description for Number Squares (PDF). To read the paper produced by this team of students and to view the debriefing video, see the Sample Student Papers page.

The presentations below are courtesy of Yida Gao, Matt Redmond, and Zach Steward. Used with permission.

Practice Presentation

This video features the student team’s practice presentation. After each individual presents his part, the group of students and instructors discuss improvements and changes.

Final Presentation

This video features the student team’s final presentation delivered in class.

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Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2013
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Other Video
Projects with Examples
Activity Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples
Presentation Assignments with Examples
Instructor Insights