18.S096 | January IAP 2023 | Undergraduate

Matrix Calculus for Machine Learning and Beyond

Lecture Notes and Readings

Lecture notes were prepared by Paige Bright under the guidance of Professors Edelman and Johnson. Full Course Notes (PDF) 
The notes are also available on arXiv.org, along with any updates and citing information.

Lecture 1


Part 1: Overview, applications, and motivation.

Part 2: Rethinking derivatives as linear operators: f(x + dx) - f(x) = df = f′(x)[dx] — f′ is the linear operator that gives the change df in the output from a “tiny” change dx in the inputs, to first order in dx (i.e. dropping higher-order terms). When we have a scalar function f(x) ∈ ℝ of vector inputs x ∈ ℝⁿ, then this gives us a “row vector” f′(x) since f′(x)dx is a scalar, which we interpret as the transpose of the gradient ∇f (which we call a “column” vector), i.e. df = (∇f) ⋅ dx = (∇f)ᵀdx. When we have a vector function f(x) ∈ ℝᵐ of vector inputs x ∈ ℝⁿ, then f’(x) is a linear operator that takes n inputs to m outputs, which we can think of as an m × n matrix called the Jacobian matrix (typically covered only superficially in 18.02 Multivariable Calculus.)

Lecture Notes and Slides

Further Readings

  • matrixcalculus.org is a fun site to play with derivatives of matrix and vector functions. 
  • The Matrix Cookbook (PDF) has a lot of formulas for these derivatives, but no derivations.
  • Notes on Vector and Matrix Differentiation (PDF) from 6.S087 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IAP 2021) are helpful.
  • Fancier math: The perspective of derivatives as linear operators is sometimes called a Fréchet derivative and you can find lots of very abstract (what I’m calling “fancy”) presentations of this online, chock full of weird terminology whose purpose is basically to generalize the concept to weird types of vector spaces. The “little-o notation” o(δx) we’re using here for “infinitesimal asymptotics” is closely related to the Big O notation used in computer science, but in computer science people are typically taking the limit as the argument (often called “n”) becomes very large instead of very small. A fancy name for a row vector is a “covector” or linear form, and the fancy version of the relationship between row and column vectors is the Riesz representation theorem, but until you get to non-Euclidean geometry you may be happier thinking of a row vector as the transpose of a column vector.

Lecture 2


Part 1: Continued discussing derivatives as linear operators, starting with Jacobian matrices. Reviewed the sum rule d(f + g) = df + dg, the product rule d(fg) = (df)g + f(dg), and the chain rule for f(g(x)) (f’(x) = g’(h(x))h’(x), where this is a composition of two linear operations, performing h’ then g’ — g’h’ ≠ h’g’!). For functions from vectors to vectors, the chain rule is simply the product of Jacobians. Moreover, as soon as you compose 3 or more functions, it can make a huge difference whether you multiply the Jacobians from left to right (“reverse-mode”, or “backpropagation”, or “adjoint differentiation”) or right to left (“forward-mode”). Showed, for example, that if you have many inputs but a single output (as is common in machine learning and other types of optimization problems), that it is vastly more efficient to multiply left-to-right than right-to-left, and such “backpropagation algorithms” are a key factor in the practicality of large-scale optimization. Finally, began talking about functions in more general vector spaces, such as functions with matrix inputs and/or outputs. For example, considered f(A) = A³, giving d(A³) = f′(A)[dA] = A²(dA) + A(dA)A + (dA)A² (≠3A²dA!), and f(A) = A⁻¹, giving d(A⁻¹) = -A⁻¹(dA)A⁻¹.

Part 2: Began going into more detail on matrix-valued functions, and their relationship to the “Jacobian matrix” picture. Converting f′(A) to a conventional “Jacobian matrix” in such cases requires converting matrices A into column vectors vec(A), a process called “vectorization” of the matrix (by a common convention: simply stacking the matrix by columns). Linear operators like f′(A)[dA] = AdA + dAA can then be expressed as “ordinary” matrices via Kronecker products.

Lecture Notes and Other Resources

Further Readings

  • The terms “forward-mode” and “reverse-mode” differentiation are most prevalent in automatic differentiation (AD), which we will cover later in this course. 
  • You can find many, many articles online about backpropagation in neural networks. 
  • There are many other versions of this, e.g. in differential geometry the derivative linear operator (multiplying Jacobians and perturbations dx right-to-left) is called a pushforward, whereas multiplying a gradient row vector (covector) by a Jacobian left-to-right is called a pullback
  • The video on Understanding Automatic Differentiation (in Julia) (YouTube) by Dr. Mohamed Tarek also starts with a similar left-to-right (reverse) vs right-to-left (forward) viewpoint and goes into how it translates to Julia code, and how you define custom chain-rule steps for Julia AD.

Lecture 3


Part 1: Continued from Lecture 2: matrix functions, Jacobians, vectorizations, and Kronecker products. More examples of matrix functions, including LU factorization and 2 × 2 eigenproblems.

Part 2: Finite-difference methods: viewing f(x + δx) – f(x) as an approximation for f’(x)δx on a computer. This is extremely useful as a quick check of a hand-derived derivative (which is very error-prone for complicated functions), and can also be used as a replacement for analytical derivatives in a pinch. Analyzed two sources of error: truncation error (from the non-infinitesimal δx) and roundoff error (from the finite precision of computer arithmetic).

Lecture Notes and Other Resources

Further Readings

Lecture 4


Part 0: To begin with, spent a few minutes talking about the last few sections of the Finite Difference (Jupyter notebook) from last lecture: higher-order finite-difference rules and finite differences in higher dimensions (e.g. for gradients).

Part 1: Generalizing gradients to scalar functions f(x) for x in arbitrary vector spaces x ∈ V. The key thing is that we need not just a vector space, but an inner product x ⋅ y (a “dot product”, also denoted ⟨x,y⟩ or ⟨x|y⟩); V is then formally called a Hilbert space. Then, for any scalar function, since df = f’(x)[dx] is a linear operator mapping dx ∈ V to scalars df ∈ ℝ (a “linear form”), it turns out that it must be a dot product of dx with “something”, and we call that “something” the gradient! That is, once we define a dot product, then for any scalar function f(x) we can define ∇f by f’(x)[dx] = ∇f ⋅ dx. So ∇f is always something with the same “shape” as x (the steepest-ascent direction).

Defined the most obvious inner product of m × n matrices: the Frobenius inner product A\(\cdot\)B = sum(A\(\cdot\ast\)B) = trace(AᵀB) = vec(A)ᵀvec(B), the sum of the products of the matrix entries. This also gives us the “Frobenius norm” ‖A‖² = A ⋅ A = trace(AᵀA) = ‖vec(A)‖², the square root of the sum of the squares of the entries. Using this, we can now take the derivatives of various scalar functions of matrices, e.g. we considered

  • f(A) = ‖A‖ ⥰ ∇f = A/‖A‖
  • f(A) = xᵀAy ⥰ ∇f = xyᵀ (for constant x, y)
  • f(A) = det(A) ⥰ ∇f = det(A)(A⁻¹)ᵀ = adjugate(A)ᵀ: we will prove this later

Part 2: Applications of derivatives to multivariate root-finding and optimization. A key fact enabling large-scale optimization, i.e. min f(x) where f is a scalar function of many parameters x, is that computing ∇f has about the same cost as f, using what is variously called “reverse-mode” or “adjoint” or “backpropagation” differentiation algorithms, which essentially boil down to evaluating the chain rule left to right. Went through a few examples of this, oriented more at engineering/physics optimization (and “topology optimization”).

Lecture Notes and Slides

Further Readings (Part 2)

Lecture 5

Lecture Notes and Other Resources

Further Readings (Part 1)

  • There are lots of discussions of the derivative of a determinant online, involving the “adjugate” matrix det(A)A⁻¹. Not as well documented is that the gradient of the determinant is the cofactor matrix widely used for the Laplace expansion of a determinant. The formula for the derivative of log(det A) is also nice, and logs of determinants appear in surprisingly many applications (from statistics to quantum field theory). 
  • The Matrix Cookbook (PDF) contains many of these formulas, but no derivations. 
  • A nice application of d(det(A)) is solving for eigenvalues λ by applying Newton’s method to det(A - λI) = 0, and more generally one can solve det(M(λ)) = 0 for any function Μ(λ) — the resulting roots λ are called nonlinear eigenvalues (if M is nonlinear in λ), and one can apply Newton’s method using the determinant-derivative formula here.

Further Readings (Part 2)

Further Readings (Part 3)

Lecture 6

Lecture Notes and Slides

Further Readings (Part 1)

Further Readings (Part 2)

Lecture 7

Lecture Notes

Further Readings (Part 1)

Further Readings (Part 2)

Lecture 8

Lecture Notes and Other Resources

Further Readings (Part 1)

  • Computing derivatives on curved surfaces (“manifolds”) is closely related to tangent spaces in differential geometry. The effect of constraints can also be expressed in terms of Lagrange multipliers, which are useful in expressing optimization problems with constraints (see also chapter 5 of Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe). In physics, first and second derivatives of eigenvalues and first derivatives of eigenvectors are often presented as part of “time-independent” perturbation theory in quantum mechanics, or as the Hellmann–Feynmann theorem for the case of dλ. The derivative of an eigenvector involves all of the other eigenvectors, but a much simpler “vector–Jacobian product” (involving only a single eigenvector and eigenvalue) can be obtained from left-to-right differentiation of a scalar function of an eigenvector, as reviewed in the Notes on Adjoint Methods for 18.335 (PDF).

Further Readings (Part 2)

  • See Lecture 5, above.

Further Readings (Part 3)

There are many topics that we did not have time to cover, even in 16 hours of lectures. If you came into this class thinking that taking derivatives is easy and you already learned everything there is to know about it in first-year calculus, hopefully we’ve convinced you that it is an enormously rich subject that is impossible to exhaust in a single course. Some of the things it might have been nice to include are:

  • When AD hits something it can’t handle, you may have to write a custom Jacobian–vector product (a “Jvp”, “frule”, or “pushforward”) in forward mode, and/or a custom rowvector–Jacobian product (a “vJp”, “rrule”, “pullback”, or Jacobianᵀ–vector product) in reverse mode. In Julia with Zygote AD, this is done using the ChainRules packages. In Python with JAX, this is done with jax.custom_jvp and/or jax.custom_vjp, respectively. In principle this is straightforward, but the APIs can take some getting used to because of the generality that they support.
  • For functions f(z) of complex arguments z (complex vector spaces), you cannot take “ordinary” complex derivatives whenever the function involves the conjugate z̄ (e.g. for |z|, Re z, or Im z); this must occur if f(z) is purely real-valued (and not constant). One option is to write z = x + iy and treat f(z) as a two-argument function f(x,y) with real derivatives, but this can be awkward if your problem is “naturally” expressed in terms of complex variables (e.g. in the Fourier frequency domain). A common alternative is “CR calculus” (or “Wirtinger calculus”), in which you write df = (∂f/∂z)dz + (∂f/∂z̄)dz̄ as if z and z̄ were independent variables. This can be extended to gradients, Jacobians, steepest-descent, and Newton iterations, for example. A nice review can be found in The Complex Gradient Operator and the CR-Calculus by Ken Kreuz-Delgado.
  • Many, many more derivative results for matrix functions and factorizations can be found in the literature, some of them quite tricky to derive. For example, a number of references are listed in this GitHub issue for the ChainRules package.
  • Another important generalization of differential calculus is to derivatives on curved manifolds and differential geometry, leading to the exterior derivative.
  • When differentiating eigenvalues λ of matrices A(x), a complication arises at eigenvalue crossings (multiplicity k > 1), where in general the eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) cease to be differentiable. (More generally, this problem arises for any implicit function with a repeated root.) In this case, one option is to use an expanded definition of sensitivity analysis called a generalized gradient (a k × k matrix-valued linear operator G(x)[dx] whose eigenvalues are the perturbations dλ); see e.g. Cox (1995), Seyranian et al. (1994), and Stechlinski (2022). (Physicists call this idea degenerate perturbation theory (PDF).) A recent formulation of similar ideas is called a lexicographic directional derivative; see Nesterov (2005) and Barton et al. (2017). Sometimes, optimization problems involving eigenvalues can be reformulated to avoid this difficulty by using SDP constraints (Men et al. 2014). For a defective matrix the situation is worse: even the generalized derivatives blow up, because dλ is proportional to the square root of the perturbation ‖dA‖.
  • Famous generalizations of differentiation are the “distributional” and “weak” derivatives, for example to obtain Dirac delta “functions” by differentiating discontinuities. This requires changing not only the definition of “derivative” but also changing the definition of “function,” as reviewed in When Functions Have No Value(s): Delta Functions and Distributions (PDF).

Course Info

As Taught In
January IAP 2023
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions
Instructor Insights