
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session


There are no prerequisites.

Course Description

This half-semester course introduces computational thinking through applications of data science, artificial intelligence, and mathematical models using the Julia programming language. This Spring 2020 version is a fast-tracked curriculum adaptation to focus on applications to COVID-19 responses.


This course was offered entirely online while the MIT campus was shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Lectures were mostly delivered live (via Zoom). The instructors used the Piazza platform to host class Q&A.

Technical Requirements

Student need to install the Julia programming language, as well as other tools and packages. Complete instructions are listed on the GitHub course page.

Problem Sets & Exams

There are five problem sets and no exams.

Grading Policy

The lowest score of the 5 problem sets will be dropped. The grade is based upon 25% for each of the other 4 problem sets.