21A.303J | Spring 2022 | Undergraduate

The Anthropology of Biology


[P] = Pollock, Anne. Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States. University of Minnesota Press, 2021. ISBN: ‎9781517911720. 

[K] = Kirksey, Eben. The Mutant Project: Inside the Global Race to Genetically Modify Humans. St. Martin’s Press, 2020. ISBN: ‎9781250265357. [Preview with Google Books]

[R] = Roosth, Sophia. Synthetic: How Life Got Made. University of Chicago Press, 2017. ISBN: ‎9780226440460. 

1 Life Now Meanings of ‘Life’.” Nature 447 (2007): 1031–32.
2 What is Life?

Keller, Evelyn Fox. “Synthetic Biology and the Origin of Living Form.” Chapter 1 in Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors, and Machines. Harvard University Press, 2003. ISBN: ‎9780674012509. [Preview with Google Books]

———. “Molecules, Messages, and Memory: Life and the Second Law.” Chapter 2 in Refiguring Life: Metaphors of Twentieth-Century Biology. Columbia University Press, 1996. ISBN: ‎9780231102056. [Preview with Google Books]

Kay, Lily E. “In the Beginning Was the Word?: The Genetic Code and the Book of Life.” Chapter 15 in The Science Studies Reader. Edited by Mario Biagioli. Routledge, 1999. ISBN: ‎9780415918688.

Margulis, Lynn and Dorion Sagan. “Life: The Eternal Enigma.” Chapter 1 in What Is Life? University of California Press, 2000. ISBN: ‎9780520220218. [Preview with Google Books]

3 Evolutionary Narratives, Epidemiological Dramaturgy

Beer, Gillian. “Introduction.” In Darwin’s Plots: Evolutionary Narrative in Darwin, George Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Fiction. 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN: ‎9780521743617. 

Fedigan, Linda Marie. “The Changing Role of Women in Models of Human Evolution.” Annual Review of Anthropology 15 (1986): 25–66. (Read only pp. 25–31.)

Rosenberg, Charles E. “What Is an Epidemic? AIDS in Historical Perspective.” Daedalus 118, no. 2 (1989): 1–17.

Carr, Danielle. “A Virus Without a World.” The Nation, September 7, 2021.

Wailoo, Keith. “Spectacles of Difference: The Racial Scripting of Epidemic Disparities.” (PDF - 1.6MB) Bulletin of the History of Medicine 94, no. 4 (2020): 602–25.

4 Race, Racism, and Racialization from Eugenics to Genomics


Smedley, Audrey. “‘Race’ and the Construction of Human Identity.” American Anthropologist 100, no. 3 (1999): 690–702. (Read only pp. 690–96.)

Reilly, Philip R. “Eugenics and Involuntary Sterilization: 1907–2015.” Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 16 (2015): 351–68.

Goodman, Alan. “Race Is Real, But It’s Not Genetic.” Sapiens, March 13, 2020.

TallBear, Kim. “Genomic Articulations of Indigeneity.” Social Studies of Science 43, no. 4 (2013): 509–33.

Nelson, Alondra. “Bio Science: Genetic Genealogy Testing and the Pursuit of African Ancestry.” Social Studies of Science 38, no. 5 (2008): 759–83.

Kahn, Jonathan. “Patenting Race.” (PDF) Nature Biotechnology 24, no. 11 (2006): 1349–51.

Helmreich, Stefan. “Homo microbis: Species, Race, Sex, and the Human Microbiome.” Chapter 6 in Sounding the Limits of Life: Essays in the Anthropology of Biology and Beyond. Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN: ‎ 9780691164816. [Preview with Google Books]


Making, Unmaking, and Hacking Race and Data: Views from Anthropology.” May 12, 2021. Vimeo.

5 Biopolitics and Reproduction

Foucault, Michel. “Right of Death and Power over Life.” Part 5 in The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Introduction. Translated from the French by Robert Hurley. Vintage, 1990. ISBN: ‎9780679724698. 

Taussig, Karen-Sue, Rayna Rapp, and Deborah Heath. “Flexible Eugenics: Technologies of Self in the Age of Eugenics.” Chapter 3 in Genetic Nature/Culture: Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide. Edited by Alan H. Goodman, Deborah Heath, and M. Susan Lindee. University of California Press, 2003. ISBN: ‎9780520237933. [Preview with Google Books]

Bharadwaj, Aditya. “The Other Mother: Supplementary Wombs and the Surrogate State in India.” In Reproductive Technologies as Global Form: Ethnographies of Knowledge, Practices, and Transnational Encounters. Edited by Michi Knecht, Maren Klotz, and Stefan Beck. University of Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: 9783593391007. 

Yuill, Cassandra. “Reproductive Rights in the Time of Covid-19.” March 29, 2020. Somatosphere.net.

6 Biology for Sale

Ritvo, Harriet. “Possessing Mother Nature: Genetic Capital in Eighteenth-Century Britain.” Chapter 20 in Early Modern Conceptions of Property. Edited by John Brewer and Susan Staves. Routledge, 1996. ISBN: ‎9780415153140.

Landecker, Hannah. “Between Beneficence and Chattel: The Human Biological in Law and Science.” Science in Context 12, no. 1 (1999): 203–25.

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. “The Last Commodity: Post-Human Ethics and the Global Traffic in ‘Fresh’ Organs.” Chapter 9 in Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. Edited by Aihwa Ong and Stephen J. Collier. Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. ISBN: ‎9781405123587. 

Banerjee, Dwaipayan. “From Internationalism to Nationalism: A New Vaccine Apartheid.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 41, no. 3 (2021): 312–17.

7 Health Disparities in the United States

[P] “Introduction.” [Preview with Google Books]

[P] Chapter 3: Mass Incarceration: On the Suspended Sentences of the Scott Sisters. [Preview with Google Books]

[P] Chapter 4: Environmental Racism: Protecting GM’s Machines While Abandoning Flint’s People. 

[P] Chapter 6: Reproductive Injustice: Serena Williams’s Birth Story. 

[P] “Conclusion.”

Wade, Lizzie. “COVID-19 Data on Native Americans is a ‘National Disgrace’.” Science, September 24, 2020.

Huyser, Kimberly R., Aggie J. Yellow Horse, et al. “COVID-19 Pandemic and Indigenous Representation in Public Health Data.” American Journal of Public Health 111, S3 (2021): S208–14:

8 Remixing Organisms

Franklin, Sarah. “Sex.” Chapter 1 in Dolly Mixtures: The Remaking of Genealogy. Duke University Press Books, 2007. ISBN: 9780822339205. [Preview with Google Books]

[K] [Preview with Google Books]

9 Animals!

Ritvo, Harriet. “Race, Breed, and Myths of Origin: Chillingham Cattle as Ancient Britons.” Representations 39 (1992): 1–22.

Haraway, Donna J. “Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908–1936.” Chapter 3 in Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Societies. Routledge, 1990. ISBN: ‎9780415902946. [Preview with Google Books]

Mansfield, Barbara. “From Catfish to Organic Fish: Making Distinctions about Nature as Cultural Economic Practice.” Geoforum 34, no. 3 (2003): 329–42.

Wanderer, Emily Mannix. “Biologies of Betrayal: Judas Goats and Sacrificial Mice on the Margins of Mexico.” BioSocieties 10, no. 1 (2015): 1–23.

Kirksey, Eben. “The Emergence of Covid-19: A Multispecies Story.” (PDF) Anthropology Now 12 (2020): 11–16.

10 Synthetic Biology [R] [Preview with Google Books]
11 Alien Ocean

Helmreich, Stefan. “Introduction: Life at Sea.” In Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas. University of California Press, 2009. ISBN: ‎9780520250628. [Preview with Google Books]

———. “Dissolving the Tree of Life: Alien Kinship at Hydrothermal Vents.” Chapter 2 in Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas. University of California Press, 2009. ISBN: ‎9780520250628. [Preview with Google Books]

———. “Blue-Green Capitalism: Marine Biotechnology in Hawai‘i.” Chapter 3 in Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas. University of California Press, 2009. ISBN: ‎9780520250628. [Preview with Google Books]

12 Class Conference No readings assigned.
13 Class Conference No readings assigned.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2022
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments