Written assignments for this course include:
Essay 1
This 5-page paper is due during session 9 and is worth 20% of your grade. This paper will be on an assigned topic and will analyze various theoretical frameworks used to understand capitalism. For further detail, see Essay 1.
Essay 2
This 5-page paper is due during session 15 and is worth 20% of your grade. For further detail, see Essay 2.
Final Paper
The final written assignment is a 10-page research paper on a topic of your choosing that relates to the themes of the class (possible topics will be discussed in class). This paper is due during the last class, session 25, and is worth 40% of your grade. For further detail, see Final Paper.
Oral Presentation
Each student will also give a brief 8–10 minute presentation on his or her final paper topic in class and then lead class discussion for 5 minutes. The oral presentation, participation in class discussion, and attendance will count for 20% of your grade.