Study the materials and be prepared to contribute in an informed discussion of the following topics and questions:
- Watch Pico Iyer’s “Where is home”?
- What does Pico Iyer claim about his home? Do you believe him?
- How do you define home? Where do you feel most at home?
- Compare Iyer’s audience for his TED talk with Boroditsky’s conference audience.
- How does each speaker meet the audience needs within the respective contextual constraints?
- What are “thick” and “thin” cultures? How can we use these terms to describe mainstream American cultures? MIT cultures? Gendered cultures?
- Annie Dillard describes how she found her life’s passion as a child. What features of her family life strike you?
- How do the Dillard family dynamics compare and contrast to those of your family? What features account for any differences?
- As you read Stewart & Bennett on friendship, consider the following questions:
- What is your definition of a “friend”? What particular features characterize your relationship with your friends?
- How do typical American friendships reflect American culture, according to Stewart & Bennett? Does your experience with American MIT students confirm or refute their characterization?
Oral Response #1: Choose either questions #4 or #5 and prepare to present your response in a well-organized two-minute presentation. I will videotape these nanopresentations and send each of you a private link so you to watch and complete a self-assessment.