21H.343J | Spring 2016 | Undergraduate

Making Books: The Renaissance and Today

Instructor Insights

The Role of Online Fora

In this section, Professor Jeffrey Ravel describes how the instructors used online fora as a tool for engaging students in thinking comparatively about media in the Early Modern period and today.

"The online fora were a place to speculate on the meanings of the past for the current media moment in which we live."
— Jeffrey Ravel

In 21H.343J / CC.120J Making Books: The Renaissance and Today, students were required to write four forum postings. We used the online fora as a place for the students to think comparatively about media in the Early Modern period and media today. For instance, we asked them to consider the similarities and differences between the so-called “printing revolution” 550 years ago, and the so-called “digital revolution” today. We asked them to think about how different media forms structured scientific advances in the Renaissance and today. The online fora were a place to speculate on the meanings of the past for the current media moment in which we live.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2016
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples
Image Gallery
Instructor Insights