21H.390 | Fall 2022 | Undergraduate, Graduate

Theories and Methods in the Study of History


I. Introduction

Week 1: Introduction: How Do Historians Think?

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 2: Writing from an Archive: Race, Slavery, and American Universities

Assignment due: University and Slavery essay (see Assignments section)

II. Historical Analysis and Interpretation

Week 3: What is a Good Question? Historiographical and Empirical Contexts

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 4: How Do Historians Use Theory?

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 5: NO CLASS

Assignments due: 

III. Sources Used by Historians

Week 6: Writing from a Diary: Midwife’s Tale in Maine, 1785–1812

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 7: Writing from Environment

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 8: Doing Conceptual History: Japan

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 9: Writing from Oral Sources: Nairobi, Kenya

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 10: History, Commemoration, and Truth and Reconciliation

Assignment due: Response paper

Week 11: NO CLASS: Thanksgiving

Weeks 12 and 13: Research Presentations

Week 14: Research Papers Due

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2022
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Instructor Insights