21M.235 | Fall 2013 | Undergraduate

Monteverdi to Mozart: 1600-1800

Orpheus and Eurydice


The Greek legend of Orpheus is the topic of the first fully developed opera, Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo. Painting: “Orpheus and Eurydice.” Attributed to Jacopo Vignali / Anon. cir. 1625–1630. Image is in the public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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Orpheus and Eurydice
Alt text:
Oil on canvas painting depicting a demon reaching for Eurydice who reaches toward Orpheus and they attempt to escape the underworld together.
The Greek legend of Orpheus is the topic of the first fully developed opera, Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo. Painting: “Orpheus and Eurydice.” Attributed to Jacopo Vignali / Anon. cir. 1625–1630. (Image is in the public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.)
Image is in the public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Oil on canvas painting depicting a demon reaching for Eurydice who reaches toward Orpheus and they attempt to escape the underworld together.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013
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Lecture Notes
Demonstration Videos
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