Course Description
In this subject we will study the basic harmonic, melodic, and formal practices of western music, principally the classical music of central Europe during the eighteenth century. Topics will include diatonic harmony, simple counterpoint in two parts, and tones of figuration. The coursework will combine composition, …
In this subject we will study the basic harmonic, melodic, and formal practices of western music, principally the classical music of central Europe during the eighteenth century. Topics will include diatonic harmony, simple counterpoint in two parts, and tones of figuration. The coursework will combine composition, listening, analysis, and work in sight-singing and keyboard musicianship.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Exams with Solutions
Projects with Examples

Image of Ludwig van Beethoven. (Image courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [reproduction number, LC-USZ62-13745 (b&w film copy neg.)].)